· Pregnant? ·

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Alyssa's POV


I open my eyes and wince when a splitting headache makes me sit up quickly. I rest my back against my headboard as the dizziness takes over, making me protest softly. 

"Fuck," I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck. 

I look down and see I'm in the same clothes as last night. I don't remember getting to bed, or anything before that either. My eyes latch onto my left hand where a white bandage has been carefully wrapped around my hand, blood stains on the edges. 

I definitely don't remember that. 

I suddenly catch a whiff of my shirt. It smells like stale beer and sweat. I wrinkle my nose as some memories start making their way back to me. I get out of bed and almost fall over when the feeling of nausea settles in, sitting like a brick at the bottom of my stomach. 

My headache is bad, but I know it'll be worse when I go downstairs and see the twins. They hate alcohol, partying and pretty much everything I've been doing lately. Have I been acting different and hanging out with other people who may not be such a great influence on me? Maybe. Why? Because I feel the need to rebel and lash out for dad's death even though deep down I know it's my fault? Yes. 

I sigh and grab a bathrobe, slipping it on and tying it loosely around my waist. Any tighter and I'd probably vomit. 

After a deep breath, I exit my bedroom and walk towards the staircase. My heartbeat hammers against my chest as I imagine what the twins will say to me. I'm scared, but I know I'll have to face them at some point. I'd rather get it over with now and then take a relaxing shower. 


I tiptoe towards the kitchen where I hear voices and stop, pressing myself up against the wall to eavesdrop. 

"She up yet?"

"No luck," Ethan sighs. "She'll probably be asleep for a while. She was very drunk when she came home last night. It was weird to see Alyssa like that"

"I bet," Kristina replies, sounding concerned. "Have you a Grayson looked into Wellards clinic yet? I read that they have great doctors there and therapy"

"Grayson looked into it, but Alyssa would never get onboard," Ethan says. 

Wellards? That place is famous for helping recovering drug addicts, alcoholics and criminals even. There was a murderer admitted two weeks ago and they made it onto the news. The twins want to send me there? Oh god, I've finally done it. They're finally sending me away and leaving me behind. 

"Please don't send me to Wellards!"

Ethan looks surprised when I enter the kitchen, hugging him tightly around the waist as I try to plead my case. 


Ethan tries to take my arms away from his torso, but I have a strong grip and he gives up pretty quick. 

"I get that I've been a terrible kid, but you have to understand that-"

"Calm down," Ethan sighs, lowering his voice and rubbing my back. "No one's sending you anywhere. You're staying here, with Grayson and I, like always"

I nod and stay there, my face nestled in Ethan's warm chest. I feel him tense up and I know he's probably not in the mood for hugs. Especially with me. 

Ethan pulls me away and lifts my chin with his finger, making intense eye contact. I suddenly realize I haven't looked in the mirror all day. I probably look absolutely terrible. 

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