· The Doctor's Office ·

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Enjoy! xx


Alyssa's POV


Thwap thwap thwap

I keep bouncing the tennis ball against the bedroom wall, my stomach filled with nausea at the thought of being pregnant. 

It's the next day and Grayson scheduled a doctors appointment this afternoon to go to the doctors. I threw up a few more times today. I didn't tell anyone. In fact, I've been in my room ever since yesterday after the news got out. 

Somehow, I have a feeling I'd raise the tension. 

I keep throwing the ball against my wall, every thump making my headache get worse. 

I'm only sixteen. I didn't plan on getting pregnant this young. 

I've been ignoring Noah's texts and calls. I can't believe I was stupid enough to have sex with someone who I was meant to break up with. Oh, why the fuck did I get drunk? If I am pregnant, I'll be the worse mother in the world.


Around two pm, a knock on my door makes me flinch and I instantly drop the tennis ball on my bed. I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep, hoping whoever enters my bedroom won't hear my rushed heartbeat.

My door opens and I try to keep myself still. 

"Alyssa? I'm just going to leave this here for you, love"

Kristina's voice is lowered and kind. Her tone is refreshing and I contemplate opening my eyes and talking to her. I feel like crying but can't get any tears out. I'm scared of being pregnant. I don't want to be a parent now and I definitely don't want to push a massive melon-shaped thing out of my body. 

When my bedroom door closes, I open my eyes and look to the right where a tray of food sits on my bedside table. I sigh and pick up the fork. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning, but the sickness in my stomach rocks back and forth making me drop the fork on the tray. 

I lay back down in bed and let out a pained sigh, bringing a hand to my head. 

I'm so ashamed of myself. 


At four pm, another knock sounds at my door and I know it's Grayson.

"Come in," I sigh. 

Grayson opens the door and walks in, the same neutral expression on his face from yesterday. 

"Let's go"

I nod and swallow hard, grabbing my sweatshirt before following him out of my room and down the stairs. Ethan's nowhere to be seen and Grayson must notice I'm thinking about him because he sighs.


Great. I know what that means. Ethan's out somewhere raging probably. 

"Cmon, let's go. We can't be late"

Grayson opens the front door and follows me out. We walk to the car and get in, silence hovering above us like a grey cloud.

"If it's positive-"

"Don't even put that image in my head, Alyssa," Grayson sighs, shaking his head as he rests his forehead against the steering wheel. "I can't"

"I'm the one who's going to have to carry it," I point out. 

"You should've thought about it before having unsafe sex-"

"We used a god damn condom, Grayson," I sigh, nibbling my thumbnail. "I'm not stupid like you think I am, you know?"

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