Chapter 62

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Alyssa's POV

"My baby!"

Grandmas soft arms wrap around my body, enclosing me into her dirty apron yet warm embrace. When I pull away I see that there are some flour stains on my black tshirt.

"Hey, grandma" I smile.

She pats my waist. "My god, have you gotten skinnier? Those boys are feeding you aren't they?"

I chuckle and nod. "Yes, they do. A little too much"

"Speaking of them, where are they?"

I turn around and point at Grayson who's paying the cab. Grandma smiles and hugs the boys when they walk up the driveway, suitcases rattling on the cobblestone path.

"Oh, the birthday boys!"

Ethan rolls his eyes. "Not our birthday yet"

"Well, almost. I can't believe you're twenty tomorrow!"

I shiver at the realization. The boys are going to be twenty. I know they'll be the same but something about it makes my heart ache.
My fear of the twins getting older and starting families, leaving me alone scares me. I feel like I'm holding them back somehow.
I shake off the uncomfortable feeling when I realize grandma's looking at me.

"Alright, dear?"

I nod and she puts an arm around my waist, leading me inside her house. Warm scents of cinnamon and cloves fill my nose and I close my eyes. This. This is home.
I love being home for the holidays. Especially at my grandma's house. I take a quick peek into the living room as grandma guides us upstairs to the guest-room's just to make sure nothings changed. The fire is lit and an array of holly has been scattered over the mantel above the fire place. Everything looks, smells and feels Christmassy. Just like I like it.

"Now you three will have the same room but I'm sure you'll survive" grandma chuckles, pushing open the door to the familiar guest room.

"Oh my god-"

I'm lost for words. The whole room screams Christmas.
Fairy lights have been attached to the 2 four poster beds, scented pine candles have been lit and cute red curtains with white reindeer on them have been put up above the windows. I can't wait till it starts to snow.
I turn around with a new sense of joy in my heart and help the boys unpack our suitcases after a long day of traveling.


"Ooo can I wear that?"

Ethan snatches his hoodie away from me and let's out a scoff.

"This is my hoodie!"

"Well it's cold and yours is so much comfier!"

Ethan rolls his eyes. "You have plenty of hoodies. I know because when I checked your suitcase this morning it looked like you were going to go camping back in the ice age!"

I pout and sit on the bed, crossing my arms. "Meanie"

"Grumpy" he smirks, booping my nose.



Ethan and I both turn our heads towards the bathroom where Grayson's unpacking his toiletries. Thankfully he didn't hear. Ethan and I laugh.

"Fine. Take it and stop complaining"


I grab the hoodie and thrust it on over my T-shirt. I underestimate how cold New Jersey gets at this time of the year.

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