Chapter 19

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"You almost ready?" Ethan asks, popping his head around my bedroom door. 

I nod and sigh, pulling my hair into a ponytail. I hate parent-teacher conferences. I'm pretty sure the teachers have been unimpressed with the amount of school work I've been producing. I also know I can do better but my social life is just tearing me down. 

He walks in and places his hands on my shoulders from behind and looks at me from the mirror. 

"Don't be nervous" 

"I can't help it" I sigh. 

He tugs on my waist long pony and chuckles. 

"C' mon. Grayson's waiting"

He leaves and I put on some lipgloss, brushing my hair again. I clip on some gold hoop earrings and pray to god that my grades are okay. 


School at night looks so strange. I mean, the staff made it look nice by stringing some fairy lights over the gates and stuff but it still feels strange. Kids coming with their parents are optional but Grayson and Ethan always make me come with them. I hate it. 

"First we have a meeting with your math teacher, Ethan says, winking at me. 

"Oh god" I mutter. This night is already doomed. 

We walk into the empty math classroom and my heart skips a beat as Mr Chender eyes us carefully. I suck at math and got a C on my last exam. I'm fucking doomed. 

"Hello" Mr Chender says, shaking the boy's hands. 

The boys introduce themselves and we sit down, ready to start the meeting. I look down at the floor the whole time. 

"Alyssa needs to work on math as much as she possibly can. She's getting by in my class, but it's evident that she gets frustrated when she doesn't get something right. I think Alyssa just needs to learn how to accept mistakes"

That's rich coming from him. He's always calling on me in class even though he knows I don't know the answer to his stupid question. And why's he talking like I'm not here? Does he not care about hurting my feelings?

"Given her background, I can excuse certain points, but Alyssa really has to start studying more"

"Sir, my sister studies math a lot, trust me," Ethan says, grabbing my hand under the table and squeezing it comfortingly. 

"Well if that's the case then it's not showing" Mr Chender sighs, leaning back in his office chair. "It's a shame too because she has a lot of potential"

The meeting ends and when we're out of earshot Grayson grits his teeth and shakes his head. 

"How dare he say Alyssa doesn't try enough?" he sighs and ruffles my hair. "Are you okay?"

I nod but I don't convince them. 

"Alyssa, hey. Don't let Mr cunt muffin tell you what you can and can't do, alright?" Ethan says, making me look at him. 

Grayson smacks his arm and glares at him. "Ethan, don't use that language!"

Even I'm in shock of his language. I've never heard him say the C-word before and I have to admit it's pretty funny. 

We move on to History, Art, Science, Spanish and Music. 

"She's a great writer and never fails to amaze me with her knowledge of vocabulary," Ms Henderson says. (History Teacher)

"She's creative and always finds a way to express herself through her artwork," Mrs Banks says. (Art Teacher)

"She always asks great questions and completes her work on time. You two should be proud," Mr Kraft beams. (Science Teacher)

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