Chapter 36

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Damon's POV

I wake up with my face stuck into someone's hair. Confused and sleepy, I pull away and smile when I see Darcy's small body next to mine. She's still asleep, drool leaking out the corner of her mouth and I roll my eyes. She's cute but fucking messy. 


Alexis pops her head around the door after knocking and sighs when she sees Darcy next to me. 

"Sorry about that. She had a nightmare last night and demanded she sleep with you"

I chuckle and intertwine my fingers in Darcy's dark curls. 

"It's fine"

Alexis nods. "Breakfast is almost ready. I know you don't eat-"

"I'll be there," I say.

She looks surprised and smiles. "I'll set an extra place then"

I thank her and she blushes, leaving. I've never been that kind to her and I guess she's surprised. I chuckle and slide out of bed, feeling excited. Alyssa texted me and told me that she's coming to school today. I walk into the bathroom across the hall and shower quickly before jumping into a pair of black jeans with a dark grey hoodie. I collect Darcy from my bed and wake her up, taking her downstairs. I place her at the kitchen table and take my hood down as I also sit. Alexis hands me a plate with eggs, sausage and bacon.

"Thanks," I say, digging into the food. 

Holy shit, this is good food. She beams at me and feeds the other little kids. I eye the clock and decide to walk by Alyssa's house to walk her to school. 

"I gotta go," 

Alexis nods and waves as I kiss Darcy's cheek and walk out the front door. The air is crisp with the cool air but it feels nice. My heart jumps around my chest as I walk up Alyssa's porch steps. 

I knock and wait. Ethan opens the door.

"Hey, man" he greets, letting me in. 

I walk in and laugh as I see Alyssa stuffing her face with cereal in the kitchen. Very attractive. She suddenly stops and I see Ethan raise an eyebrow.

"Damon! Oh my god, Ethan why did you open the door!" she yowls, jumping off the stool and wiping her mouth. 

"It's cold outside and I didn't want him to freeze," he chuckles, folding his arms. "I'm glad I did because I find this quite amusing"

She groans and walks towards me, picking up her bag that's lying by the door.

"Let's go"

"Hang on, young lady," Grayson says, throwing her a hoodie. 

She takes it and tugs me out the door. The twins laugh. 

Alyssa's POV

I put the hoodie on and realize it's Damon's from the other night. He smiles and wraps an arm around my shoulder, walking to school. 

"It suits you"

I laugh and feel myself blush. This boy is so cute yet kinda dark and mysterious. I like it.


After Damon walks me back home, he walks down the street back to his. I open the front door and take my hoodie off, placing it on the bench by the entrance.

"Hello?" I call out, looking in the living room.

"Hey, honey" Ethan sighs, walking over and hugging me. 


"How was school?"

"It was great" I smile, remembering Damon feeding me strawberries at lunch. 

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