Chapter 7

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The next day-

Alyssa's POV


"Coming!" I call, pulling on some black jeans. 

I walk out of my room and towards the kitchen where Grayson's voice is audible. As I enter, Ethan looks at me hopefully but I walk past him, not saying anything. Yesterday when Grayson asked him if I could see Hayden again he refused. I'm still mad. 

"what's up?" I ask Gray, sitting at a kitchen stool. 

"I need you to go to the store and pick up some things for grandma's visit," he says, handing me a list. 

I take it and he also gives me some money. "Sure"

I grab my hoodie that's folded by the front door and an umbrella. I walk outside into the cool morning air and smile a little as it starts to rain. As I start walking I take in my surroundings. I haven't been outside for three days and it's nice to go for a walk, alone. Don't get me wrong, I love my brothers but sometimes it's too much. It's nice to get out of the house every once and a while. 

I walk into the store and walk in between all the aisles looking for the stuff on the list. I walk to the checkout and pay. When I walk outside, I see Hayden. My heart skips a beat and I smile widely. I'm about to call his name when a girl with long blonde hair runs up to him. Damn, she's beautiful. He pulls her close and they share a passionate kiss. The girl giggles and takes his hand. I turn away and start walking home. I feel sick and the sadness and anger that I'm feeling circulate inside my body. We're apart for three days and he already has a new girlfriend? What the fuck is wrong with him. 

My fingers fumble as I open the front door. Tears threaten to spill as I place the bag of stuff on the counter.

"Thanks, honey," Gray says. He suddenly frowns when he locks eyes with me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I mumble, turning away and running to my room. 

I shut my door and crawl onto my bed, feeling hurt. How could Hayden be so heartless?

Hayden's POV- *The day before*

I groan and stare at the TV screen. Some advertisement comes on for laundry detergent and I could give no fucks about "nice whites". I can only give a fuck about Alyssa. She hasn't called or texted me and it's been driving me crazy.

"Stop moping over that girl, Hay!" my sister, Ava, sighs, patting my shoulder. "Get up and go outside or something"

"You don't get it!" I snap. 

She sits on the armrest of the couch and runs her fingers through my hair. "Hay bear, I know you're upset. She'll call you soon, you'll see"

"I hope so" I mutter. 

She gets up and goes to the kitchen to start dinner. My little sister, Brooke, toddles over to me and I can't help but smile. Brooke puts me in a better mood. 


I look up from where I'm sitting and see Ava's boyfriend, Tyler, walk in the door. He's home from work. Ava and he kiss quickly and then he helps her in the kitchen. 

A half-hour later

"Hayden! Get Brooke for dinner"

I sigh and pick Brooke up, placing her in her chair at the table. She's so cute. I wish she'd stay three all the time. 

"I'm not hungry," I say before walking to my room and shutting the door. 

I flop onto my bed and look out the window, my eyelids getting heavy. I finally fall asleep thinking of a girl who'll never know how much she has me fucked up in love. 

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