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I arrived at the house I changed my clothes and after I head to Dad's room. I knocked
through the door.

Dad: come in

I came inside and I saw Dad and IU noona too.

: What do you want to talk about dad?

Dad: Sit

Is he angry why is he so cold talking to me..

Dad: why you didn't told me about opening up the case? And you didn't told me you also find the suspect who killed your mother and ruined your life?

: I'm sorry Dad but-

Dad: It's Sana's Father right?

: Yes dad..how did you know?

Dad: Dahyun..

I glanced at noona but she looks away..

Dad: why you didn't sent him to jail?Is it because its Sana's father? You didn't think for yourself you're just thinking for others..

: Dad.. I'm sorry to say this but I didn't do that just because his Sana's father I did it because he is severly sick..

Dad: your making it hard you're just hurting yourself Dahyun..

: It's better that it is me to be hurt and not Sana..she doesn't know anything about this so Dad please..Don't do anything. I can handle it by myself..Dad I'm sorry..

I failed holding up my tears so I walked out I surrendered myself to my bed and stared at the ceiling..Shit where's my phone where did
I put my phone..wait..In Sana's car...what
should I do its 10PM.

I went out and went to noona's room I knocked and she opened it..

IU: Are you alright?

: no I'm not..Can I borrow your phone I need to call Jihyo noona..

IU: ok..

I look for Jihyo noona's number..I dialed and she answered..

JH: Unnie?

: Noona it's me can you call Sana and tell her I left my phone at her car..

JH: Ok..ok I'll hang up now.

: Thank you..

I gave back to the phone to my sister..

: thank you I'll go get my phone..

IU: be safe hyun..

I used another car and drive to Sana's condo.


I arrived I asked what's Sana's condo unit number at the front desk and I immediately went there..

I pressed her doorbell and she opened it..She's just wearing her oversized tshirt..

: I'm sorry to interrupt you at this hour but I forgot my phone at your car

SN: Come in...

: but its on your car..

SN: I have it Jihyo called me..

: Can I have it now?

SN: I said come in..

: ok..fine..

She's scary.

SN: sit I will make you some tea..

:No thanks I have to-..

I didn't finished my word when she already walking towards the kitchen..

She came with a cup of tea..

: thanks.

She sat across me..

SN: here's your phone..

: thanks..

I can sense that she's staring at me what's with her..Please don't stare at me like that Sana...

:  I have to go now thanks for the tea..

SN: when is your flight back to US?

: tomorrow midnight..why?

SN: N-nothing..

: I'll go now..

She escorted me towards the door and after that I went home...

That was not bad ..put yourself
together Dahyun.....



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