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It's now wednesday hoping that Dahyun is now around to apologized.. I kept on asking at the squad on where in the world is he but they will just say they dont know or busy.
I'm now walking in the hallway I can only hear the professor's discussion every door I'm passing by because its class hours...
I'm now heading at the library to read but in my mind to take a nap .. as I was heading i saw a familiar figure walking towards the rooftop..its Dahyun I immediately run to him but he lost in my sight.. My curiosity strikes again.. I followed on where he was ... I went up at the rooftop but no marks of Dahyun I saw.. when I was heading down I saw the stocked room door slightly open.. I went inside hoping he's in there..

And there he was facing his back on mine earphone stucked on him humming in the music...

I slowly walked towards him but I accidentally kick a spare chair in the floor...I'm doomed. .

: A-anyeong..
DH: Annyeong..what are you doing here?..

That killer smile its attacking me again..

: n-nothing
DH: Are you stalking me.. you stalker...
: I'm not weirdo..

Its my chance to apologize shall I do it now.. ahh Its so embrassing...

DH: did you sleep well that night?
: Yes..look Dahyun.. I'm really -

He cut me off

DH: I know what your talking about. its ok.. I know your just drunk..its fine..
: but-
DH: its fine.. But can I asked you a favor?
: what is it??
DH: Iknow I have no rights to tell you this but I'm just concern as a friend..
: I'm listening. .

DH: Please dont drink without us beside you or someone you've trust to..because we will not know maybe might bad will happen.............I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't not asked that..

The way he talks he sounded like my true boyfriend..

: ok I'll do it..
DH: really? thank goodness Sana.
: Sana?? Am I younger than you??
DH: your the one told me that hundredth times..
: o-okay..
He let me sit beside the window and we just talked some stuffs..



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