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I got up early and help Mom and the maids in preparing breakfast.Dahyun was still sleeping when I came down, I didn#t wake him up because he didn't get enough sleep because of what happen last midnight.


In the middle of our sleep I keep hearing my name so I sat up and it's Mom who was calling me, so I got up so as Dahyun..

S'Mom: Sana..help Sana..your Dad...

We reached their room...there I saw Dad..again..who can't breath..his heart again.

I was dumbfounded but I got back from my world when my boyfriend bumped me.

He went near Dad..

DH: Sana get a glass of water..Sana faster

I shook my mind..I ran outside and shouted from one of our maids downstairs to get some water..I came back inside.

DH: Hey Dad look at me

Dad still struggling to breath.Dahyun was holding Dad's both arms while Mom was caressing Dad's back.

DH: Dad look at me..trust me ok..look at me..

Dad did what Dahyun said.

DH: Breath with me ok... Mom please step aside for a while and can you give something..like that pillow give it to me...

Mom immediately call Dad's private doctor.

Dahyun gently push dad at the headrest of the bed and put the pillow for support.

DH: Just do what I say ok.. Sana prepare the water..

: O-ok

Mom who's now tearing up and I was just watching Dahyun helping Dad.

DH: Inhale..exhale...Inhale..exhale..Come on Dad you need to breath with me please..Inhale..exhale..inhale..exhale..good job Dad..inhale..exhale..

Dad was calming down I gave Dahyuyn the water and let it drink to Dad..


Dad is fine and now preparing for his work..

Dahyun was now walking downstairs with Dad towards us talking seriously like my boyfriend was explaining something at my Dad.

S'Mom: Hey you two breakfast is ready.

We were now sitting at the chairs ofcourse..

S'Dad: Early in the morning my son was scolding and thankfully it's not my wife..what a good morning.

: Dahyun scolding you?

I chuckled and look at Dahyun who's shaking his head.

S'Mom: Thank you Dahyun for helping..I don't know what to do with this man..

DH: It's nothing Mom.. but.. why didn't you told me he was sick?

S'Dad: I told you I'm fine..and thanks to you

DH: But still as what I've said earlier you need to take a surgery or atleast the treatments you can't just shove it..before it won't be fatal it's not too late..

And now my boyfriend was acting like a real doctor.

S'Dad: No..

: What?

DH: What?

S'Dad: I will wait for you to operate me..

DH: What? it will take a long years to be a doctor..Seriously Mom?

S'Mom: Just continue your food Dahyun you won't win on him..

: His hard to deal Hon.

Mom nodding for understanding.. Dahyun looking at Dad

DH: You really are weird..

: Same as you..

I said almost a whisper..

DH: Did you said something?

: Hmm..N-nothing

Mom and Dad chuckled..


After our breakfast Dad went to work..while me is now getting ready cause we gotta go home Dahyun needs to go to the hospital.

I'm in front of the mirror at my room blowering my hair..Dahyun approached me and stand behind me..

DH: Hon I told you..you don't need to come with me just spend more time here with your parents..

: Hon..we can go here anytime.

DH: Still..but Hon your mom misses you so much you should be with her..don't worry I'll be ok..

I stand up and faced him..

: Dahyun..

He cares both of my arms down to hold my hand.

DH: Sana just listen to me for now ok..

I sighed..

: Fine ..but you should call me anytime..

DH: Ok well I should go now..

We went downstairs and saw Mom at the living room.

S'Mom: Are you staying here princess?

: Yes Mom..He told me to stay with you for now..

Mom approached Dahyun and hug him he reciprocate the hug..

S'Mom: Thank you..be safe in driving ok..

DH: No worries Mom bye..I love you..

I was shocked when he said those words to my Mom..but Mom just laughed with him

S'Mom: I love you too now go..

DH: Bye-bye

I accompany him at his car outside.

: I can't believe you..You already love my Mom..

I said hugging him..His caressing my cheeks

DH: I love whom or what you love cause I love you as what my heart tells..So get inside now and enjoy your time with your Mom and Dad..

: Call me ok..I'll be here and not at your side don't you dare hang out and drink with the boys at bar..

DH: Don't worry ok and when did you saw me going in bar hmm..

: Tsk..still..

DH: I should go now..

He let go from the hug..

: I will miss you Hon..

DH: I'm not bye

: Ayahh...

He hug me and gave a peck at my lips and get to his car.



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