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Mr. Minatozaki's POV

I'm now at the Kim's hospital I'm not here for treatments but I'm here for Dahyun cause I know Sana was still hesitating to say it to him.

So I will say it myself. I need to do this it's still for Sana's sake...and he needs to know all the truth about me..all .. so that he will stay away from my daughter...

Sana has no fault on what I've done to her boyfriend and if ever she will know about this I was hoping for forgiveness but I didn't deserve it all..


: excuse me nurse can I know where Mr.Kim Dahyun was?

Nurse: I'm sorry sir but can I know who are you?

: I'm Minatozaki Raiku..

She called someone I think it's Dahyun

Nurse: Mr. Raiku he's at the specialist room just go straight that hallway sir and you can see that room..

: Thank you..

I went on the hallway where the nurse said to me there I found the room I opened the door revealing him wearing his doctor's gown... why I felt nervous seeing him?

DH: D-Dad? What made you came here?

: Am I not allowed to see you? I just want to see my son..

A half lie half truth... he just chuckled

: Are you busy? Can I talk to you somewhere else?

DH: Sure Dad.. I'll drive you at some quiet place maybe cafe.. what do you think??

: sounds good but I have my driver so no need to drive so let's go??


We went to the Cafe not that far from his hospital.. it's a quiet place indeed.. He choose to sit near the window..


DH: Dad I know that you have something to tell me but I don't know what is it...but I felt that it's something important but I also have something to tell you.. too

He said lowering his head..

DH: I deserve to be scolded or to get mad at me or you can hurt me right now... I broke your daughter's trust if she will know that I'm-.

: Go ahead

DH: I accidentally and nearly have sex to someone last night.. I'm sorry Dad.. I know I'm a coward I can't face her and say it to her I'm afraid that she will leave me.. Dad I'm so sorry..

: I'm sorry to say this to you Dahyun but you need to know all about what will I say to you..

He raises his head and looked at me in unreadable expression..

: 3 years ago I committed a very huge sin I'm a messed that time my father scolded me cause the company was not doing well and it affects me so much plus Sana was in hospital who was severely sick and needed to have a kidney transplant I can't lose her she needs me to stay by her side for her operation so I drove my car rashly I wasn't in my right mind until...until I hit something at the road I didn't noticed that it was a stoplight and I saw two people lying in their own blood I was terrified I ran away and didn't help them I payed those witnesses on that scene I thought that I would be in jail but I heard that they closed the case....your mother close the case..

His eyes was on fire I can feel his madness ..A tear fell in his cheeks

: I was the driver who killed your mother Dahyun.. I'm the one who made your life in a messed it's all my fault Dahyun..

DH: Y-You're j-just making fun.. right? Don't joke around me please..

: it's true Dahyun

DH: How c-could you..

Tears continuously went down..

: and one last thing.. I -I know Sana will not tell you this or she still thinking if she will say it to you..

He was just crying in front of me and madness surrounds him and I felt my heart clenched and I can't nearly breathe what's happening?

: S-Sana will leave she will go back to Japan after your graduation..


Trying to say it normally not cracking..

: I will send her back to Japan I am doing this...because...it's for her sake and I want her to stay away from you so please leave her alone... please understand me Dahyun she still my daughter I'm her father.. a father who killed your mother so please stay away from her.. If I were you you will do what i told you..if you're in my place you will do the same thing I'm doing right now.. I don't want Sana to know about this I don't want her to pay for my own sin.. if your thinking to let me in jail I widely welcomed you to arrest but don't go near my daughter...

He still not facing me and he was clenching his fist I leave him I tried to walk straight and not to lose my balance but I failed my heart was so tight that I can't breathe...then black...
I woke up in a hospital and seeing Dahyun sitting at the sofa.

: Get out I don't want to see you
He stands up and ready to open the door when I muttered "wait"

He stopped

: do what I told you Dahyun stay away from her..break up with her or do you want Sana will do it herself...

He opened the door and shut it closed

A moment later my wife came

S'mom: what happen to you?

: I fainted

S'mom: and thankfully Dahyun was there

: I don't want to talk about him for now

S'mom: What? What's gotten to you?

: I told him about Sana leaving in Japan cause you know your daughter still has no plan on saying it to him..

S'mom: and do you think Sana will be glad on what you did? Your just making her hate you..

: it's fine so that he will stay away from Dahyun it's for her own good..


I took a nap I don't want to think about it for now...



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