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I'm all alone at the house Mina and Momo were not yet here. How should I tell this to them? How should I tell Dahyun about me going back to Japan? How? The graduation is in 2 days What should I do? I can't leave like this? and why is it so sudden?

I'm at the kitchen sitting and deeply thinking what will I do when suddenly Mina and Momo came with a frustrated faces is something bad happened?.

: Hey girls. What happen?

MM: S-Sanaya...w-were just tired from the party..

MN: W-we should go to sleep..

: and why you two were stuttering..are you hiding something?

MM: I-it's just nothing...y-you what happen to your dinner??

I sat at the sofa and face them..

: I'm going back to Japan..

MN: WHAT? You will what?

: Dad and Grandpa made a serious decision they want me to handle the company there..

MM: b-but I thought you will be handling your company here why it change??

: That's what I thought too

MM: Dahyun what about D-Dahyun?

MN: Yes Sana we understand your parents decision but how about Dahyun?

: that's my problem I can't say it I don't know how to..this past few weeks I never get a long with him we just talk and we're ok but this how?

MM: Sana maybe we will talk about this tomorrow with the squad ok

MN: and I know you know Dahyun will not be around tomorrow because his b-busy

: ok thanks girls

Maybe they're right maybe tomorrow I can😔

Next Day

I never got enough of sleep It's messing my mind..

A moment the squad will be here Momo told them to come at the house to hang out without knowing Dahyun about this I texted him earlier but still no reply until now maybe his still busy..

We are now sitting at the living room chitchatting about something and maybe this is the time..Mina held my hand and gave me a it's gonna be ok look.

: Hey guys...I.. I just want to tell s-something..

NY: Spill it Sana... are you getting married??

Jihyo smack her with a worried look..what's with them..

JH: Say it Sanaya before this old woman talk again..

: I'm going back to Japan

JY: What?

TZ: What? Why?

: D-Dad wants me to go back there and hand me the company after our graduation.

I'm trying not to crack my voice I don't want to cry... Jihyo approach me

JH: We understand Sana but...

: Dahyun.

DL: Is that the reason why you didn't told him were here?

I just nodded cause hell I felt my throat were dry..

CH: N-noona...noona you should talk to him.

: B..but I can't I can't say it

NY: but you need to Sana..

MN: It's the right thing to do..a-and before it's too late what if your father will be the one to tell it to him..

MM: It's a problem..

JH: You should say it yourself Sana.. Dahyun can understand..I know it will be hard from both of you but I know you two..

: why are they doing this to me? I thought dad wanted me to be with Dahyun and why is he doing this to me right now we didn't do something..

I failed to hold this freaking tears..

: why he's doing this to me to us?

MN: You've done nothing Sanaya..

JH: it's just a trial that you need to pass ... you can do it and you need to be strong to do it..

NY: right Sanaya listen.. no matter what happen you need to stand out yourself you don't need to be this down..Heads up you have some rough stages to pass..

: but how? How can I ?

JY: Dahyun and us think about Dahyun and us..we're on your side always no matter what challenges we have to pass we are on each other's arms Sana..

TZ: We're here..

: H-how luck I am to be with you guys..how should I thank you?

MM: No need..ahh just buy something right now I'm hungry..Stop the drama...


We continued our talks and did something fun and getting this day memorable.. I need to be strong for Dahyun for us..



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