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I am now at the reception Daniel hyung told me.I told them that I will go straight here at the reception and not to go at the church.We will be surprising his bride and I'm with the orchestra I already discussed them what to do..

We planned to let Jihyo noona cry......😂

As for Sana I know that she will be here later on..well pretending to be ok would be alright...


The guests were little by little arriving and the boys..

JY: Dahyun!!!!

He jumped at me.

CH: You son of a bitch.. why are you so handsome...

DL: Thank you for coming Hyun..

: How can I ditch you hyung..

I received a smacked at the back of my head.

: Aww

CH: But you didn't come to our weddings how unfair you are.

JY: I thought you're still not ready to come home.

: Honestly yes but now I'm trying and I won't be here for too long..

TZ: We should get ready.. I think they're all settled..Get your mics now..

The boys brought their mics and me I sat on the piano chair soon the boys went out from the curtain...I started playing the piano but still curtained..




It's my special day today because it's my wedding..I'm now waiting for my officially handsome husband he said they prepared something for me..

Then suddenly a sound of piano plays..

The boys went out from the curtain with a mics?

DL: My wife this is for you.. actually we're not prepared..enjoy?

I chuckled on what he said..


DL:  "I have seen a thousand things a thousand I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well I don't know"🎶

JY: "I'm an open book
I'll tell you everything I know"🎶

CH: "To the darkest corners of my mind"🎶

TZ: "My kingdom is wide"🎶

DL,JY,CH,TZ: "So wide-eyed I can't track the  time.Between the spaces of my mind"🎶

Ahh I love their voice..

DL: "Cause I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well I don't know"🎶

Wait I heard another voice backing up that familiar voice I know that voice it can't be Dahyun??...

The curtain opened it reveals the orchestra and Dahyun?....

DH: "I have little trouble walking
In directions I don't know of
And I'm walking
And I'm walking blind"🎶

ALL: "Cause I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well I don't know"🎶

DH: "And people come and people go
People I will never know
But if I did and if I could
I'd wonder when and where they stood"🎶

DL: "Cause I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home"🎶

ALL: "But where I stand, well I don't know"🎶

A tear suddenly drops at my cheeks.Daniel approached me and give me kiss.

But I'm still shocked about Dahyun's sudden appearance..

JH: Thank you...I love you too..

DL: I love you too..

Daniel sat beside me while the boys lined up to give their speeches..

JY: Congratulations for the both of you so I don't want these to be long so I just wanted to say Thank you for being our friends and hope you will give us immediately a baby you know..Love Yah...

JH: Shks pabo Jeongyeon~..

TZ: Congratulations noona and hyung hope that you be more stronger and braver what you originally was.. Love you both...

JH: I love you too Tzu..

CH: Noona and Hyung Congratulations for the both of you and thank you for being with me with us since then and hyung live well with noona coz she's scary you know that...

JH: this kid Yah.....

and It's Dahyun's turn he's absolutely stunning..

DH: First of all "Surprise" sorry for lying for not coming and secretly planned with the boys..We just wanted to surprised you and I guess you were..so I don't want these to be so dramatic I just want to tell you both that thank you for being with me with us always in our ups and downs you're both their for us thank you again and I love you...

I stood up and approached them..and hug them..

JH: You all just came here to make me cry..pabooya..Thank you....In my house later..

CH: wait no honeymoon?


TZ: Why?

JH: Later ok...

We sat back to our chairs and now it's the girls turn..

NY: Congratulations Ji and Dan thank you for all and all you know that.. I know I'm the older among us but you both stands more matured and independent and brave so thanks and love you..

JH: Love you too..

SN: Ahmm..

Sana cleared her throat

SN: Thank you for being a lecturer on me Ji and Dan thank you for making us like we're your younger sisters AHHAHA.. Congratulations for you both and I love you..

JH: Love you too..

MM: Hey Ji Thank you for all and Dan thank you for being my food buddy HHHHAHAH.. Love you both

MN: Congratulations for the both of you and thanks for taking care for us and loving us like your family love you...

JH: Love you too..

I hugged the girls and they went back to their chairs..

The event continues...



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