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Chaeng and Dahyun saw their noona sitting alone..

Chaeng: Noona

Jihyo immediately face them she was shocked when she saw Dahyun..

JH: D-dahyun?
DH: Noona..

Jihyo saw that the girls,Jeong and Daniel were coming she immediately drag dahyun at the Cafeterias' garden bench outside while Chaeng ordered something to eat...

JH: What's gotten on you?
DH: Noona you're the one who told me to fix my self..what are saying?
JH: Then why so sudden?
DH: I realized that your over worried about me..i felt guilt about that..
JH: Then are you fine with that?
DH: I will try my best to communicate on to others again to forget it all as you said stage by stage.. I'm sorry noona..
JH: How about the surgery?
DH: I'm still thinking about that noona..
JH: Same reason?
DH: I'm finding a good reason now noona to live..
JH: Your Dad told me that you have months to decide to have that surgery the neurosurgeons that will operate you still waiting for you so take time Dahyun..were still counting on you..
DH: Thank you noona..but please keep it a secret to anyone..
JH: I know.. ah thank god my little brother is back..

Jihyo give dahyun a big hug while in the table where the squad where-

SN: Daniel did you two broke up?
DL: What! No way!
MM:Then whos that boy hugging Jihyo?

Jeong,Chaeng & Tzu were just smiling seeing the two..

NY: Love what are you smiling at?
Jeong: Them..
Chaeng: The squad is complete hyung..
MN: What do you mean babe?
TZ: Jihyo noona will explain it..

Jihyo decided to go back inside as the two walk towards the table the girls was so shocked on what they saw in front of them and Dahyun was just smiling shyly at them..and saw a familiar face in front of him..

NY: Am I seeing an angel?
JY: Love?are you teasing me now? Yah.
JH: Babe,girls this is Kim Dahyun my little brother..
TZ: yah noona what about me?
CH: Yah noona you have favoritism again..
JH: Idiot..Starting today he will be with us always..
MM: Hi I'm Hirai Momo
DH:So you're Momo?..Dahyun face Tzuyu
TZ: What?
MN: I'm Myoui Mina
CH: My girl..
NY: I'm Im Nayeon
JY: Mine
DL: Nice to meet you bro I'm Kang Daniel..Jihyos' man
TZ: gross
SN: Hi I'm Mi-natozaki Sana
DH: Are you ok now?
NY: do you know each other.
SN: A-ah

Sana's POV

Here I am again stuttering on this man..He is so handsome.. those calm mono lidded eyes,that voice and now his face everything on him was absolutely perfect..

DH: we have met at the park...
CH: What are you doing at the park noona?
: Hello have you forgotten where we live and..I'm just getting some fresh air..then I tripped then he help me..
MM: Oh is that destiny Satang?
: Shut up peach.
DL: then why are you blushing Sanaya
: No I'm not

Tsk!..he did'nt even hold back my hand thanking him that day weirdo..tsk..

MN: Dahyun can I ask something?
DH: Yes?
MN: How long you've been friends with Jihyo ..
CH: Its not important..
DH: Ahm Jihyo noona and Chaeng we've known each other since were kids,Jeong hyung. and Tzu were friends since middle school..

NY: Childhood friends..

His voice was so addicted..his eyes wah I can't even talk to him straight..yah Sanaya whats happening to you...

MM: Satang why are you so silent?
NY: You're so obvious Sanaya..
: What?

Hey Sana don't tell me you like him? Wah paboya Sanaya....


No one's POV

Weeks pass by Dahyun and the squad were getting closer and closer..It's Momos' day today
Momo invited the squad at their house where Mina and Sana was living ..


Its my birthday today..
And guess what I found out who's my secret admirer..


As I was heading to my locker to get my books for my next class guess who I saw putting some rose and chocolates at my locker..I approach him..

: Tz-tzuyu
He faced me and was shocked when he saw me..

TZ: No-noona I-I s-someone just t-told me to put it...I-I gotta go s-see you l-later..

: Yah! I caught you so stop lying..tell me the truth are you the secret admirer?..Tzuyu?
TZ: No..i-its not me noona
: then why are you stuttering..tzuyu..tell me are you?
TZ: Fine..I'm sorry ok..
: So it's you?
TZ: Y-yes its me noona
: then why didn't you tell me in person?
TZ: you know me noona I'm not good at confessing..and I'm afraid that if you know me you will not accept me and you will not talk to me,you will avoid me and-.. I cut him off
: Yah Chou Tzuyu who said that I will avoid you..idiot
TZ: W-what?
I saw him sweating and blushing so cute..
: do you like me?
His face changed into a unreadable experession.
: Coz as far as I know..I love you since then and now I thought you will not notice me coz I'm just your noona who keeps stealing glances at you..do you like me?
TZ: No-
My eyes widened when he said no.. I stop myself not to tear up in front of him..
: no? Then why are you doing this things? That makes me fall inlove in you more.why that-

He cut me off I failed to hold my tears..
TZ: coz I love you as far as I know..

: W-what did you say?
TZ: I love you Momo..now that you caught me...I think its time to tell you what I really feel..

He walk closer and closer to me,he hold both of my hands..

TZ: Momoyah..I'm sorry for being so dumb about love and now I'm must tell you this before its too late..I love you Hirai Momo ..will you be my girlfriend?

YES! Finally he confess at me it's my lucky day today..

: A-ahm

He furrow his eyebrows waiting for my answer.

: A-ah big Yes for me tzuyu-ah.
TZ: Yes! I got you..

He kiss my forehead an hug me tightly..


As what I said I invited my friends in our house..I didn't held a party coz I want to spend it with the squad and now my boyfriend.

The squad are here except Tzuyu? Where is he?

I asked Jihyo who is busy helping to prepare foods at the kitchen..

: Ji where's Tzuyu?
JH: I don't know ask Dahyun instead..

I approach Dahyun who is busy helping Sana preparing the snacks..

: Dahyunah where's Tzuyu?
DH: I don't know noona..
: Seriously?no one knows where's Tzuyu?
CH: Noona just wait ok maybe his late..
MN: Momo..
SN: Yah peach why are you keep on looking at Tzuyu is he your boyfriend?

Dahyun choked from his own saliva..

SN: Are you alright dahyunie?

Dahyun just nod at Sana I smell something fishy at this squirrel..

: Why his our friend?
JH: Friend?
: Why?
NY: Fine fine you won..

Why is he not here yet we should tell it to the squad that were dating tsk!

A few moment later I decided to sit at the kitchens' table while the squad is in the living room..suddenly the doorbell rings.. I have no intention to stand coz I'm mad..

Then suddenly the lights off ,then there he is holding the cake with a rose in his left hand while the squad singing a happy birthday song.

They planned all of this..

TZ: Surprised...
The Squad: EYY
MM: Thank you guys,girls wah you pretend not know...you're the best actors I've known..
The Squad: blow the candles pabo!!
: yah!..

I blow the candles and smiled at him they turn on the lights and decided to sit at the dining area to eat..


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