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No One's POV

Dahyun woke up still in the car he's fine now so he sat at the driver's sit before Sana will hesitate. .

Sana came with a backpack on her...she noticed that Dahyun was on the driver's sit..

SN: Hey why are you there?

DH: I'll drive now so get in..

SN: Fine

Sana got in the car.

while driving

DH: Are you sure you want to sleep with me?

SN: Why you keep asking me that? do you want me to come with Momo at the bar?

DH: the hell no..

SN: Then stop blubbering about that. ..

DH: lets eat at the restaurant first. .

SN: is there no food at your condo?

DH: Nothing. .why you don't like to eat outside?

SN: I'm so done with it?

DH: then lets go to grocery store..

SN: you will cook?

DH: Yes...

They went to a grocery store bought something to cook..They arrived at the condo...Sana was amazed to saw his boyfriend's condo it was so clean and presented..

Dahyun changed his clothes and preparing to cook, while Sana was in Dahyun's room.

SN: He's such a neat man even his clothes,shoes were well arranged.. I'm so lucky to have this kind of man..

DH: Hon do you want something to drink?

Dahyun shouted asking Sana..
Sana went out and sat at the kitchen chair watching her man preparing food for her.

DH: why are you staring like that?

SN: I'm just impressed at my man..

DH: is that a compliment or not?

SN: it is.. do you usually cook for yourself?

DH: sometimes when I'm here..

SN: why do you have a condo unit?

DH: when I want to be alone or something came up..

SN: you're such a responsible man.

DH: correction your man

SN: I know.. I'm so lucky to have you Hon. .

DH: I'm the luckiest man to have you..

Sana just chuckled at his sweet talker man..

DH: here taste it..

Sana taste the food..

SN: you're a good cook...it taste so good..lets eat.

They eat together and when they've done eating the both do their evening routine.
They lay on the bed..

SN: I'm so sleepy.

Dahyun raise Sana's head and put his arm as Sana's pillow..
Sana buried his face at the boy's neck and loving the scent..
DH: Hon can I ask you something?
The girl just hummed. .
DH: will you still love me even I kept secrets?
Sana raised her head.
SN: Why so sudden? ofcourse I will never stop loving you unless that secret will never tear us apart..I don't want us to be like that..
DH: sleep now.
SN: are you not giving me a good night kiss?
DH: kiss? where do you want me to kiss you?
SN: in my lips..
DH: you might not sleep then..
Dahyun give Sana a smack kiss..
SN: Yah..
DH: what? do you want me to kiss you passionately?
SN: then do it

Dahyun kissed Sana passionately that Sana reciprocate the kiss..it took a minute long..Dahyun broke the kiss..

DH: we should sleep now.you are so red now...
SN: yah..it's because of you..
Sana hug Dahyun tightly and sleep silently....

Morning comes
I woke up not seeing him again beside me, I heard some frying sound outside his room maybe his cooking. I fixed myself before going out. I saw him preparing breakfast I approach him and hug him in back..
DH: Good morning too Hon..
: I didn't say anything..
DH: Well the hug meant..
: Weirdo..
DH: Eat your breakfast we will be late for school..
: How 'bout you?
DH: It's fine I cook it for you.I will just take a shower..
: No it's not fine you should eat too.
DH: Fine..
While we were eating...
: What will you do tomorrow?
DH: I'll be at the hospital..why?
: N-nothing
DH: Tell me..
: Can I sleep here tonight?
DH: Why not..continue your food I will go take a shower first..
I nodded..
He left his phone at the table I took it..no password I have no pictures on his phone so I took some selfies.. and I change my caller id name to " Shiba Honey" kekeek..
We went to our university when we arrived all eyes were on us hello " popular dating the popular" who would not be noticed by that.. While we're walking students blubbering,murmuring but Dahyun told me not to worry..
He accompany me at my room then he went to his room too..
: Peach..
MM: Oh hey Satang..
: Are you alright?
MN: Bar... I told her not to go but look at her now.
MM: Minaya..are you not done scolding me? Tzuyu scolded me many times and you your nonstopping scolding me since last night..
: Yah..you know we have class today why did you went there..
MM: It's Lisa's birthday why wouldn't I come..
:So don't tell me tomorrow you will go too at Joy's Birthday party?
MN: Did your boyfriends know?
MM: I think he will go with me..
: I didn't tell him he will just scold me so don't dare tell him Minaya Peach..
MN: It's your life not mine but your dead..
The Prof came and started the class...

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