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Next Day


The squad were now heading their destination on their originally planned vacation.
They decided to go in Tzuyu and Momo's rest house in Jeju because it's so beautiful and it's been a long time too.

Sana was in Chou's car
                "working for something ".


MM: Yah Sana will you please stop that .. we're in our vacation stop that..

SN: Just this one Mo I have to send this immediately to my secretary..

MM: Oh come on what's the purpose of your employees there.. stop that tss..


Tzuyu glanced at Sana at the rare view hesitating on telling something.. but hesitation lose..

TZ: Noona can I ask you something?

SN: Hmm? What is it?

TZ: If ever that..that you know..Dahyun hyung will attend this time.. are you still thinking of avoiding each other being uncomfortable and awkward?

It made Sana stop from what she was doing and glance at Momo.. she released a deep sighed..

SN: Well I can't lie to you.. Maybe yes..but it's Jihyo's wedding ceremony and not our ceasefire ceremony well I don't want that to happen besides I have nothing to do with him..

MM: What if you're wrong?

SN: wrong of what?

TZ: forgetting him?

SN: He was the one who told me to forget about him and that photos Jimin and Mark gave me isn't that a proof that his really cheating?


Momo and Tzuyu glanced at each other well they know what's really the truth behind it  but Dahyun don't want them to tell it to Sana.


MM: Remember you two were so sweet to each other I never have ran in mind about your separation.. what a shame..

SN: Let's not talk about him ok..

MM: Ok... ah one more thing Love do you know  who's Jennie?

TZ: I don't know I never heard about her maybe his girlfriend??


Sana sighed and tacked her earphones

Time skip

They arrived at the rest house the boys managed the things while the girls were preparing some food.


TZ: Hyung do you believe Dahyun will not come again?

JY: Well he ditched our wedding what do you expect? and that what he said..

CH: but it's noonas wedding.

Daniel slam carefully his car's back door.

DL: Don't tell it to your wives ok

JY: What is it?

DL: He said he will surprise Jihyo

TZ: So that means he will come?

DL: Yes.?.. But not now in the day of the wedding he will just please keep it a secret..

JY: that kid

CH: I will kill that bitch

DL: he wanted our help for the surprise

JY : But

CH: what?

JY: Sana?

DL: well they move on that's what they said they begin in our circle of friends now they were separated they're still our friend..

CH: For me it's awkward but they are good in avoiding each other hehehe..they can handle that.

MN: Handle what?

They flinched when Mina barged in.

JY:  Gosh Mina you scared me

MN: Sorry.. what did you say handle?

DL: the-the wedding Minaya Yes the wedding.

MN: ah ok.. Jihyo said the food were ready.

CH: Yeah babe just head first we're almost done here.

MN: ok just be fast food can't wait..

While eating

MM: So what's the plan?

DL: we will enjoy this day and bond

JY: Let's drank the night away~

NY: How I wish we're complete right?

Others nodded

SN: ah wait who will be your guest?

JH: Hmmm Hospital doctors our parents and you guys

MM: No press?

JH: no it won't happen it's our privacy.

DL: right we've talk about that.

CH: So my parents will be there Dahyun's too..

Sana choked from her food

SN: Sorry

MN: it's ok.

JH: are you ok with this?

SN: Ji if it's about Dahyun i don't want to talk about him and besides it's your wedding and not mine so it's ok..

Jihyo just nodded for understanding..



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