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After Sana visited her parents she drag herself at the park, the place where they started their love and also ended it up.

She sat on the familiar bench and savoured
the air..

SN: Its been too long I miss this air.

She closes her eyes and feel the moment when a tear escaped from her eyes,a tear that she's holding since last night when she's with Dahyun..

She's lucky that only her and the guard who's in his yard were around the park.

She opened her eyes and looked up to the


DH: Hon you should remember this ok..everytime that you will go here you should sit here always in this spot,this bench only here do you want to know why?..

SN: Yes? Coz' you are being weird right now...

DH: Because when its night time  this spot has a very beautiful view of the night sky you can clearly see the stars... remember that the very first star that your eyes will capture is me...

SN: What are you talking about Dahyun??.. I told you..you will be fine after the surgery...

DH: Hon I'm just saying this just incase..and shhshh let me finish my words.

SN: What?

DH: Shhhh...and that star will send me a signal that you're in pain just cry don't hold it and after just exhale and that pain the star will endure it I am your shining light always remember that..


It made Sana to tear up the words her boyfriend's telling her


DH: Yah are you crying....


Dahyun received a smacked on his right arm.


SN: It's your fault..I love you Hon.

DH: I love you too..

Dahyun kissed Sana's forehead and lean on it..

DH: Always..



Sana released  a very deep sighed remembering that memory..

SN: Hope you receive the pain..you told me to forget you and to forget about us..tsk.. I did what you told me.. I tried all  things and
work just to forget you,my anger I poured it all.. and I did move on after those years I didn't thought for you I don't want to get some news when its come to you I don't want to hear your name..but how funny you were..the one who told me to forget everything was the one who didn't do the thing..after I opened your phone and checked it..those photos of us still in there you are a stupid..coward Dahyun...what are you doing? Why are you doing this to me?..


She doesn't know that those painful and  hurtful confessions under the starry night was heard by a man..A man she didn't expect to come and the man she was talking about..

DH: I-I'm sorry..


Sana was frightened when she heard his voice she immediately stood up..Dahyun walked towards her and sat..

DH: I-I'm sorry

Sana sat down inch apart still sobbing.

DH: I'm truly sorry

He looked down while Sana looked away they can't  stand seeing both of them like this..

DH: I'm sorry I didn't know that you would be like this I'm sorry I cause so much pain on you I'm sorry I broke your heart....7 years you're bairing that pain I'm sorry..


Sana still looking away and Dahyun was looking at the sky while saying those words..guilt that was he felt right now.. He knows that Sana does't know a thing on why that he have to do that he can't blame Sana after all because he chose to keep it rather than telling it to Sana..but these situation that Sana was  ...made him felt that he was the worst human..

DH: I didn't go here just to talked to you  I just saw you here accidentally but I know I have no rights now to talked to you and I know you can't trust me and I don't want you to trust me I want you to hate me..cursed at me call me coward stupid anything you want Sana..


He bend his knees in front of Sana.

DH: Look at me Sana now is your chance to let it out hit me if you want released all the pain come on Sana do it don't just bair it..


Sana finally faced the pale man in front of her and gave him a slap on the face Dahyun didn't bother for him its not enough than what  Sana felt right now..he let Sana punch him..push him..

SN: I hate you..very much..how sh*t you are I hate you so much Dahyun..


Sana surrendered on hurting the man..she let herself cry in front of her ex..until she stopped

SN: You wasted my love and my trust on you..you didn't love as much as I have loved you..or should I say you didn't have loved me..


Sana stand up and walked away leaving Dahyun behind,,

DH: Sana..

Sana stop and didn't mind to turn back..

DH: For what happens tonight just think for it as a nightmare or just play dumb Sana don't think for me as part of your life anymore..please..goodbye..


While Sana was running towards her car Dahyun was still there watching Sana getting far away..

DH: I have loved you Sana no I love you until now but I can't fight for it I just can't..

Dahyun wanted to cry but he still think the same thoughts ...he has no right to cry..after hurting Sana like that why would he..

DH: You did a good job Dahyun you successfully made him hated you...

Dahyun did what he wanted to maybe it's the last time to talk to Sana and never see her again..



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