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Dahyun entered at the hospital they owned He was greeted of some doctors and nurses aligned to welcomed him.He was thankful to them and told them to do a good job and get back to their respective works...

Dahyun was studying his patients medical forms when a nurse knocked to her office door.

DH: Come In...

Nurse: Good morning Dr.Kim someone's looking for you.

DH: Let him in...

The nurse let the visitor came in and proceeded to her work. While a man was entering with a frowned look.

DH: What's with that face Chou Tzuyu? and what made you come here leaving your pregnant wife alone?

Dahyun stood up walking towards Tzuyu crossing his arm.

TZ: First of all I didn't knew that you would be the little beans replacement and Second I'm happy that you were neighbors with your ex lover Next is I didn't also knew about the surgery that you performed at her father and Lastly my wife was not alone she's with Sana who just arrive earlier...and the one who told me that you're here..

DH: Ok.. that's all? Nothing more? Why are you becoming like Jihyo noona are you perhaps related in blood?

TZ: oh shut up we grew up together and I'm her favorite who wouldn't be..?

DH: So Okay.. I will be working here for only 5 months and about the surgery it went well and yes Sana is my neighbor Mina noona gave me that house so as expected..

TZ: I know your busy but I'm inviting you for dinner tonight at my house. Don't be late and...put yourself together.Goodbye..

DH: What do you mean?

TZ: Sana's coming too. I mean Sana was in our house right now staying with Momo so..you know.."Akward Atmosphere " will surrounds..

DH: I can handle Tzu...and yes you may go out now..see you later.. Say hi for me to your wife.

TZ: Momo only how about the other one?

Dahyun smacks the younger's forehead.

DH: Go...

Tzuyu went out and when Dahyun close the door his phone rang.. It's from unknown number..

DH: Hello this Dr.Kim Dahyun how may I help you?

❓:  Glad to hear you Dr.Kim..This is Kang Seulgi speaking from Minatozaki Corp.  I would like to tell you the address to Minatozaki's Mansion. The Chairman is waiting for you Dr.Kim.

DH: Pardon? I think you've got the wrong Kim? Or wrong doctor?

SG: I'm sorry but your co-doctor Dr.Son Chaeyoung recommend you to us. Actually this job was for Dr. Son but he's on leave and he said that it's you who's replacing him. Do I cancel it for you Dr.Kim?

Shit. Chaeyoung what are you up to... Dahyun thought.

DH: Don't Ms.Kang..I'll come send me the address.

SG:Thank you Dr.Kim I will send it right way.. Be safe..

Dahyun put down the call and a message pop up..  He searched for Chaeyoung's number and call.

DH: You coward.

CH: You're Welcome brother.

DH: Shit Chaeyoung what are you doing it's Sana's grandparents.

CH: What's the problem with that. You're a great doctor and patients need you. The chairman needs his doctor and it's you. I'm gonna hung up now.. Be good to them they're your grandparents in-law.

DH: Son Chaeyoung...

CH: Yeah Yeah love you bro...

Dahyun grab his bag without removing his gown. He drives towards the Minatozaki's Mansion...


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