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No One's POV

The squad enjoyed their day in Chou's rest house and now they were at the living room discussing..

NY: and now that I already shared my life how about you share something too.. you Sana how's life?

SN: Me? Well I have nothing to say.

DL: Lovelife?

SN: If I have he's with me right now..and I have no time in that thing I'm busy.

JY: You didn't date someone?

SN: I dated some but I didn't trust them so I stop dating.

JH: You're getting old but you don't have someone tss.. how's your father by the way?

SN: He's fine but still not getting that surgery I don't know what his up to.

Nayeon and Jihyo glanced at each other.

NY: Sanaya

Sana faced Nay and raised her eyebrows.

NY: I want to-

But she was cut off by a phone ringing..

TZ: It's Dahyun

Tzuyu answered his phone

TZ: What made you call hyung?

DH: Can I talk to you privately somewhere far from them please?

TZ: ok hyung wait...

All eyes were in Tzuyu who were confused on what they were talking about.

TZ: Excuse me i have to take it outside..

Tzuyu goes outside..

CH: why that he wants to talk to Tzu only?

MN: Cause you're a flirt

CH: Are you really my wife?

MN: I don't know find your wife then..

SN: tss..What do you want to say Nay?

NY: Ah N-nothing I just want to say be - be safe yeah be safe

SN: Be safe? Are you shooing me right now?

"What's with the Be safe ? Silly..think for a hole now. .." Nayeon thought.

NY: I-I mean you know you're alone at Japan and Momo and Mina were not always by your side.

SN: Yeah you're right Thanks..

JY: Did I heard that to you love?

NY: Yah you suppose to congratulate me that I spilled that words at my precious mouth..

DL: Sana did the word "wedding"and,"dating" hit your head?

SN: Yah Kang Daniel I already told you I have no time ok I'm busy at the company and merging to other companies and plus that Tuan and Park was in Japan a shit headache to me.

That made them straighten from their sits.

CH: What d-did you just said ?

SN: You doesn't know that Mark and Jimin was in Japan?

DL: you're saying you met them already?

SN: Yes? They want to invest and merge to my company They keep on coming at the building just to talk about it..they wanted my help ....Those two ran their company well for them but for me it's not they are the worst company handlers I've known.

MM: Did you accept the offer?

SN: Hell no.. those were our enemies back then and that Park Jimin pretending to be a saint tss..

JH: You should stay away from them we all know that those guys were involved in drugs don't trust them.

SN: I banned them at the company Ji don't worry.

CH: I should've killed them.

JH: Chaeyoung

DL: It's late we need to rest now..we need to be back early..

The girls went to their room while the boys still in the living room..

CH: what did he said?

TZ: He just arrived at Seoul and he just wanted to say that we will be the one to sing at the wedding..

DL: Including me?

JY: of course pabo

TZ: We will meet him at the reception after the wedding

DL: Ah this kid is adding my nervousness

CH: Well he prepared a lot

JY: I'll sleep now I'm so tired goodnight dumbs..



I'm just scrolling at my phone reading some news it's my new hobby I guess...then suddenly a headline just popped out..


Hmm who was this angel?Cause of curiosity I read it..

So the CEO was shot by a gun near his heart?
I widened my eyes when I saw Kim Dahyun's name. He was the doctor who save the 50/50 CEO?

I saw his photo with the CEO well I can't deny that his getting more handsome I guess his dating someone now.. He's amazing though..


I'll be fine tomorrow right? I admit forgetting someone you have loved was not easy..But he said he won't come it's fine..

Wake up Sana..


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