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The party started.. lots of students from the university came especially Momo and friends came too..and now I'm in the counter with Wendy and Mark. Mark was preparing some drinks and putting drugs on the drink.

: Mark what are you doing? We've talked about this right what is this?

Mark: Shut up Joy I need to do this

Wendy: Mark you're crazy don't do this we'll be in danger on what you're doing just stop.

Mark: Not you too Wendy.. Go give it to them and this one bottle make sure you give it to Dahyun understand..

Wendy was hesitating she look at me but she can't resist.

Mark: Wendy Now..

Then Jimin came..Wendy brought the drinks and gave it to Dahyun's squad


Jimin: Did you put many?

Mark: Yes lets just wait

: Where's Irene?

Jimin: getting ready for her honeymoon..

: You're totally lunatic crazy.. you were just ruining my trust and friendship in you..

Mark: shut up Joy

: Mark shut up?are you out of your mind? This bar is my business and you my friends were just getting it down..If something bad happen to them and this bar..tss.. I will be the one to go to the police..

Jimin: You better shut up Joy leave these to us...


F*ck what will I do?? I will do anything not to ruin Momo's squad sh**t.


No One's POV

An hour passed Dahyun felt dizziness the squad noticed him..


DL: Hyun are you ok?

DH: I-I'm fine hyung

MN: Do you want to go home now?

DH: D-Don't mind me noona just enjoy the party I'll be fine here..


A moment later Dahyun's sight became blurry and he felt so hot.

Then Jimin started his plan he approached them.

Jimin: Excuse me guys.. I think your friend is not okay would you mind if I offer him a room to rest?

MM: Where? We can bring him there?


Chaeng only knows that Jimin was not a good man but he was not in the scene because his having fun dancing somewhere with Mina right now..


Jimin: No Momo I can handle him just enjoy the party

JY: Hyun go get some rest we will go to you after ok


Dahyun was not in his right mind he can't see clearly..he just dragged his self he doesn't know right now who's with him or who was greeting him towards the room with Jimin..

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