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I woke up seeing Dahyun's back figure facing me without a blanket he was just wearing his sando and pajamas.. I hugged him from the back .. Awh.. My head hurts so much.. He faced me still eyes closed..

: Why were you not sharing a blanket with me?.. Are you still not comfortable with me?

I said with a disappointment tone and he just smirked at me..

: Yah my head hurts so don't start with me..

Still not responding his really getting on my nerves..

: That's it you will not answer me? Yah..

DH: You're too loud..

: Coz' you are not answering me..

He sit and crossed his arms..

DH: I'm so comfortable with you.. I didn't used a blanket because you keep on pulling it away from me and yes I don't want to answer you cuz I'm still sleepy pabooya..

He said those words fastly and get back to his sleep.

So it was my fault I hope I didn't do something crazy last night 🙉.. I got up from the bed and started to do my morning routine after fixing myself I get back at the bed to wake him up..

: Are you not going to school?

DH: What time is it?

: It's quarter to 7 Hon..

DH: I'm going..did you eat?

: No.. I'm not hungry..

DH: Sana..

Here we go again.. He got up and head to the kitchen he toasted some sandwich and made me a coffee..

DH: Here..

He handed me the sandwich and the coffee.. I smiled at him..

: Thank you hon..

DH: How many times do I have to tell you that you need to eat your breakfast.. Your stomach needs some food. So again I have to tell you this again .. Don't make your stomach wait for hunger eat in time always..

: Thank you for this and I'm sorry..

DH: You keep on saying that.. I will just take a shower just wait here for me..

I nodded though his mad but still more cute..

A minute later his done fixing his self and now heading at our university..


When we arrived some girls barged in and gave my boyfriend a love letters,chocolates and flowers.. He take it all tss.. Did he forgot that he has a girlfriend beside him earlier🙉
I walked towards my classroom and sit when suddenly my phone rings.. It's my Dad..

: Hello Dad

S'Dad: When will you visit us we miss our little princess..

: Dad I'm not a princess anymore Dad

S'Dad: Tell me when will you come so we can prepared.. Bring your boyfriend..

: Maybe tonight?

S'Dad: Ok. Copy bye I love you princess

: I love you too Dad..

I hang up the call and saw Momo and Tzuyu walking towards me..

MM: You're rude I saw you living Dahyun behind..

: I was irritated so I walked out..

TZ: He was so kind to took it all..

: Tsk.. He even forgot that he have me..

MM: I didn't know that your really dumb as me you know..hello... He was sandwiched by the crowd how can he talked to you..

: Are they done?

TZ : Well Jihyo noona used his power..

: By the way where's Mina?

MM: She said she's in the library with Chaeng and Dahyun..


MM: Dahyun tried to hid somewhere quiet..
you should take it that your boyfriend is so popular he even supported you as a popular student here..

: It's not..

MM: Yes it is..

As a popular "flirt" tss that's what they knew.





I'm now at the library with Mina and Dahyun we hid him here with us but its getting worse..The girls still giving him some love letters and chocolates..

DH: When they will stop all of these?

MN: When we graduate.. I think.

DH: Noona.. I'll be dead on Sana..

: Don't worry we have 3 months left bro..you will still lived HAHAHAHA..

DH: How can i eat this all?

MN: Hyun..we have Momo and Nayeon unnie don't be so worried about that..and that roses you could display it at your house..

: And that letters let Sana noona handle that..

DH: Ahh sinjaya..Sana ran away I know she
was mad..

MN: The classes wil start soon..come on

We came with Mina to her classroom and found the three inside I just wave at them but this vampire who's with me was hiding like a vampire you know afraid of seeing " sunlight"HAHHAH

After that we walked to our room.



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