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A breeze afternoon a pale man is walking nervously in a hospital hallway. Breathing in and out before opening the door.

He was met by a pair of familiar brown eyes of a woman in 50's. He greeted the woman with a tip smile after bowing. The woman just hug him.

DH: How are you Mom?

S'mom: I'm doing fine and to tell you the truth Business things stressing me out....

Dahyun just chuckled.

If you are wondering for something... Sana's mom already knew everything after Sana went back to Japan that day... Sana's dad told her everything and it went bad and almost lost their relationship. But Sana's mom met Dahyun and talked about respecting each others decisions.

DH: Where is he?

S'mom: Just doing his thing at the restroom.

Sana's mom signed to sit on the sofa while waiting.

DH: I met her last month..

He smiled and lowered his head timidly.

DH: She looks like you now but a young version of you....

He jokingly said to slightly lighten up the atmosphere.

S'mom: I know I'm beautiful Hyun.. and I heard about it... Thank you for saving Sana that day Hyun..

DH: I have to Mom...

The door opened revealing Mr.Minatozaki in a hospital wear it took them a minute of staring but Mrs.Minatozaki broke it..

Dahyun stood up and bowed for respect. He looked at the old man and was met by a pair of guilt eyes Dahyun clearly saw it even the old man was wearing specs.

Dahyun walk closer and hug the old man patting his back.Mr.Minatozaki melt from it and cried.

DH: You old man still crying like that you're ugly you know that.

The old man hug him back and Mrs. Minatozaki staring at them glorious.

S'dad: I'm very sorry Dahyun.... I mean it.. I twice destroyed your life still you're being like this..

Dahyun broke the hug.

DH: I already forgive you no need to be sorry now it all happened and we can't turn it back again... I just can't talk to you because of guilt and madness... I guess.. that surrounds me but don't worry about it... I'm trying...

S'dad: Sana... how about her... D-do you want me to talk to her tell her everything?...I'll help you with her.

DH: You don't have to worry about me and Sana... you know that Sana is doing good maybe we can tell her after we fix everything...

S'dad: Fix?

DH: You need to take the surgery... that's all Sana wants you to do..to get you better.. You are getting older...

S'dad: If it happens if I get better we will both talk to her we will fight for her..let's deal...

DH: Talk is alright but I don't want to assume things..

Mrs.Minatozaki smack his head....

DH: Ouch! Mom... what's that for...?

S'mom: for being a fool... you will do both Talk and fight for it... if it doesn't go well then let it be give her some time to clear it out......tell me... Are you giving up that easily? I know you still love each other I know my daughter very well she maybe hardheaded but I know she's softhearted..If you truly love someone you can't unloved it that easily without any closure Dahyun.. you told me many times that you will forget her.. did it works? No... You wouldn't know the outcome if you don't try..

Dahyun nodded timidly trying to process all of that, combining those words to his father's words... but it's all the same..Fighting for it....

S'dad: Deal with me... if my daughter won't accept it lets fight and do what man truly does... I will take the surgery as soon as possible and lets do this..

Dahyun have no choice but to agree.. who wouldn't be a wise words came from Sana's mom enlighten him more...

DH: Deal...Dad...

Sana's Dad hug him and whispered "thank you son for the chances you gave"...

Sana's mom captures the moment.


In the middle of a meeting a phone suddenly vibrates and it startled Sana.
She excused her self outside for a moment for privacy and answered it.

SN: Mom?

S'mom: Hey my princess did I disturb something?

SN: Not so Mom I'm just in the middle of discussing with the employees...Why? Is there something wrong there?

S'mom: Your father will finally take the surgery and all are set...

SN: W-what? H-his doing it?....

S'mom: Yes...

SN: Wait... What made him do it is he getting that worst that it have to be so sudden...we tried many times just to convince him for that...what happened?

S'mom: Well....ahmmm..... maybe realizations...he wants to live Sana and for the company and us....

SN: I know Mom.. it's just... sudden... when is it by the way?

S'mom: In 2 days

SN: I will come.I want to be there...

S'mom: I'll wait princess be safe alright...

Sana's mom ended the call and immediately contacted her secretary to book a flight to S.Korea in 2 hours...


A sudden call again that made Sana startled.She just arrived at Incheon alone.

SN: Hello?Jihyo?

JH: Hey I already send someone to fetch you sorry I can't..... I can't leave my baby in the middle of night Daniel isn't around...

SN: It's okay Ji... and who did you sent I'm already here.

JH: it's the annoying couple... you know them no need to named it..

Sana chuckled at that well it's true just by the word annoying we know who's it..

JH: Gonna end it be safe there see you when I see you...

Not long when Sana just passed by in the waiting section a familiar shouting voice lingered the entire hall. It was Nayeon with her Husband Yoo Jeongyeon well they covered their selves uniquely but Sana recognizes them...

Nayeon immediately jump up to Sana..

NY: Daebak...Daebak... Daebak.... Sana... Sana... Sana....

SN: Nay get off me I can't breathe..

NY: Yah... I just miss you ok I ditched my schedule at the salon just to meet you....

JY: You always go there it's not a big deal...

NY: Yoo Jeongyeon its a big big deal... how dare you...

JY: Okay shut up now... Hi Sana...

Jeongyeon push his wife away and hug Sana...

Sana chuckled by the action this annoying couple are still the same they're still annoying..

They walked Sana to their car and talk about a lot the Yoo's was being careful to their words. Nayeon and Jeong were asked not to mention about Dahyun being here... An hour just passed and they arrived at Minatozaki's Mansion and the couple didn't stay there and decided to go home immediately because of work...

Sana was welcomed by her mother and told to take a rest and only catch up things when she wakes up....


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