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It's been a week since I talked to Seokjin Hyung but still nothing happens he still wanted to be alone..

I'm at the cafeteria with the squad but no Dahyun as always..

Dahyun is still hurt on what happen..his life change,he became someone who always hide in his own shadow..

We know Dahyun is sick for almost 3 years and added a year of a disaster happened that made his life a mess.

Nayeon: Love your spacing out..is there something wrong?

: Ahm nothing love..just eat.. I'm fine

My phone beep its Jihyo chatting us even if she's in the table.We have a GC that Jihyo,Chaeng and Tzuyu were in.

Thomas: Problem?
Cub: your spacing out hyung?
Ostrich: Dahyun
Yoda: speaking of..he didn't drink again his meds
Cub: WHAT!
Ostrich: his brother told me something..
Thomas: What?
Ostrich: Later..
Thomas: Proceed to deans office..right now!
Chat ended

Momo: Guys whats with the phone?
Jihyo: Dean again they need our help..
:Right...love I'll meet you later..
Chaen: Babe see you later..bye-bye
Daniel: See you later guys..

Were in deans' office right now we're allowed here because hello.


No one's POV
Chaeng: So what's about Dahyun hyung?
Jeong: Seokjin hyung told me about Dahyun
Jihyo: about what?
Jeong: he's still thinking that he's dying he wanted to die so bad to forget all his hurtful past.
Jihyo: WHAT!..They teared up on what they heard.
: He's getting more hard headed we still don't have an idea what will we do to him just to live.
Tzuyu: That's why he's not taking his meds..
Chaeng: Noona we should do something we should convince him on that freak*n surgery his tumor is spreading plus he's not drinking those medicines.
Jihyo: Chaeng I know but what will we do he keep on refusing it even his dad can't do anything..
Jeong: We should talk to him before its too late..
Tzuyu: right now lets go..

They decided to go to Dahyun...

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