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3 months passed by Dahyun and Sana's relationship we're getting stronger. Doing what's natural when it comes in a relationship, fighting, and getting mad or jealousy happened but it won't take a day to them not to be sorry for each other. They're still get back where they were both belong.

Sana got several of messages from her phone but she's busy dealing with the Tuan's employee who's being hardheaded again..that she doesn't heard her phone.

The message was from Dahyun.

HonHyun💜:  I'm dropping there in a minute let's have dinner outside.Love you😘..

HonHyun💜:  I'm here now..I'll be waiting here outside...

HonHyun 💜: It seems your busy? You want me to go up there?🤔

HonHyun💜: Ok I'm coming 😘


Dahyun got out from his car and walk towards the company's entrance when someone called him..It's Mark.

He turned to face him..Dahyun was taken a back he's afraid but his trying not to show it. He was wondering what was he doing here when he was banned by the company.

MK: Oh..nice meeting you here Kim...what are you doing here?

DH: I'm supposed to ask that to you Tuan..what are you doing here?

MK: I'm meeting my girl..you?

DH: Same as you..who's the girl by the way is she perhaps an employee here?

MK: Sana..

Dahyun both raised his eyebrows.He chuckled.

DH: Is that a joke Tuan?

MK: I'm not Kim I'm telling the truth..

DH: Well it seems that you never changed. Still obsessed.

MK: Kim we love each other since then. You what are you doing here are you trying to get her to me?

DH: Are you crazy Mark? What's happening to you I thought that bringing you in rehab is the best way for you..but I guess your faking that you've change huh...you're lucky that you and that Jimin wasn't in prison.

MK: I'm not faking you freak.. stay away from Sana if you won't I will kill you myself.

DH: Go home Mark.

MK: You go home Kim!

Mark run towards Dahyun and punched him several times.Mark is strong that Dahyun can't push him his trying too to throw some punches but he mostly can't..Mark was pinning him at the ground.

The guards were trying to help Dahyun but Mark won't let go.


Seulgi was running towards Sana's office and inform her what's happening outside.Sana immediately run towards the scene when she reach there.Dahyun's shirt has blood stains,wounds to his face,arching his stomach, heavily breathing . While Mark has few scratches only. The guards put some cuffs on his hand. Sana ordered the guards to take Mark right away
to the police station.

Sana ran to Dahyun.

SN: H-Hon... hey.... l-let me bring you at the hospital..

Dahyun shakes his head.

DH: N-No I-I'm fine.. I'm fine..

Dahyun hardly stand up Sana guiding her. Seeing her boyfriend having a hard time to walk she's worried at the same mad on what did Mark did..

Dahyun still approach Mark..

DH: I'm done with you Tuan. I'm not going to be kind like what I did to you last time.. I will surely put you to prison and suffer there.

SN: Mark you're such a bitch.... take your nasty money you're trying to invest..My company doesn't need some drug dealers like you.

The two walk out leaving Mark who's clenching his fist and jaw seeing Sana and Dahyun together..

Sana successfully tried to convince her boyfriend to go with her to the hospital.
Now she's sitting at the couch watching his boyfriend getting treated at Dahyun's office. The doctors who saw Dahyun when they entered were panicked it's the directors son who wouldn't be..but Dahyun told them his fine..

Sana wanted to cry right now...she's still holding it.. she's blaming herself because she just saw Dahyun's messages if only she read it immediately it won't happen to Dahyun.

Dahyun saw her so he approached his girlfriend.

DH: Hey..You Okay?

Sana was just staring at him eyes where glistening.

DH: Hey What's wrong? Let's go home okay. We'll talk there.

Sana obliged. She didn't let Dahyun drive the car and just call her driver to do it.

When they got at  Dahyun's house Sana slump herself at the couch.
She can't take it anymore she freed her tears. Dahyun immediately walk to her and wipe those tears.

SN: It's all my fault..I'm sorry.

DH: No it wasn't..don't blame your self Sana... Mark is crazy it's his fault..

Sana hug his neck and buried her face at the crooked of his neck.

SN: I'll just order some food. Stay here I'll just change my clothes.

DH: Go on I can handle myself here..

They finished their dinner and proceeded to the living room watching some movie.

SN: You sure you can work tomorrow?

DH: I'm fine hon.. my stomach is not hurting anymore and this scratches on my face it doesn't hurt too..

SN: Uncle will be the one to handle Mark's case he wants to meet you tomorrow. He won't let me handle it.

DH:I'll do the same...I won't let you too..
It's quite dangerous for you..

SN: I know It's dangerous but Mark won't end that obsessive behavior of him. He's evil to handle.

DH: I know that too Hon.. so all you need to do is avoid any circumstances regarding them. Also add some bodyguards around you. Jimin still around this country he won't let his friend be in that state..we need to be more aware..

Sana nodded and continued the movie they were watching..


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