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Sana was in Minatozakis' mansion  where her grandparents whereabouts..Having a little meeting about attending to company's merging  at US..

S'uncle: I expect you already have your decision we've been waiting for it since last week Sana..

SN: Grandpa..Uncle just promise me its not an arrainge marriage..or else I'll change my mind..again.

S'grandpa: Sana I told you its not gonna happen princess..

S'gradma: You're like your father Sana both of you were afraid in arrainged marriage thing..Sana our family is not like that ok..we love whom you love we wont allow anyone to marry you if don't love each other..

SN: I know grandma I'm just making sure..

S'uncle: Father's secretary will be the one will accompany you in US..  Ms.Park knows everything their than your secretary..and I'm pretty sure you know her..

SN: Ms.Park the korean yeah I know her who wouldn't be she's been with us since I'm 8 years old..

S'uncle: and she doesn't want to accompany a snale..

SN: Snale?Me?

S'granddad: Yes you are...you have a snale ass..

SN: ah granddad!

S'grandmom: Stop that old man..anyways are you sleeping here?

SN: Nope I have to pack my things and its better because its not that far from the airport..

S'uncle: ok then so all settled. Dad Mom I'll be going first..

The old man and woman bid goodbye to their son..

S'grandad: you better behave there princess and don't cause trouble or else I will let you married a doctor..

Sana was so done with her granddad that loves to tease her like that.. teasing on marrying a doctor its not about Dahyun cause her grandfather doesn't know about her past relationship its just Sana who said it when she was young that she will not married a doctor cause its scary.



I arrived at the airport  exactly the time I estimated as what my uncle have said I shouldn't be late. I'm the boss here why I'm still afraid of our family secretary..well she's scary by looks but she's kind.

I thought I arrived first but there she was waiting patiently at the entrance well I admit Ms.Park was incredibly stunning she and Mom was in the same age but Ms.Park still looks young.

When I approached her she immediately bowed at me and gave me a very familiar smile that reminds me of one of my friends.

Ms.Park: Good morning Ms.Sana.   

: Good morning too Ms.Park.. I thought I came first.

I gave her my cheeky smile..

Ms.Park: I just came early Ms.Sana..So lets go your private plane is ready..

I just nodded and walk behind her to lead the way. When we reached the plane she told me about the CEO of the company that were merging to. Its Philip Adam the American CEO and he was the person who got shot last year and he was the person whom Dahyun saved from death.

Ms.Park: Ms.Sana?are you still with me?

: oh yes Ms.Park..I'm sorry I just thought for something.

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