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The next day


Sana was still sleeping like a baby at my room. I cooked some breakfast for her to eat I didn't wake her up coz it's Saturday. I need to go at the hospital.

I'm done preparing the food.I'm now fixing myself then suddenly my phone rings it's my sister.

IU: Hey kid are you coming?

: Yes love ...did you eat your breakfast?

IU: I'm waiting for you so come over now..

: Ok.. I'm coming love in a minute.

I hang up the phone seeing Sana already walking through the door..

: Hey!hey

She just walked and not listening to me is she mad or is it her period or dreamt something bad..

I'm done fixing myself and ready to go..

: Bye hon I'll go now..call me if you need something..

I kiss her forehead still not talking to me..




Mina told me that Momo and Sana will go at the bar tonight without Dahyun hyung knowing..tsk.. This girl he wants Dahyun to worry... it's her life.

I'm now waiting for Mina at the counter paying the bills that we bought..I love Mina being like these.. She's not fund going in bars unlike her 2 Japanese best friends and Nayeon noona..

MN: What are you staring at..lets go

: Here we go..

MN: Does Tzuyu will come with Momo?

: Maybe he will not let it go..

MN: Why Dahyun was always busy every Saturday?

: He's helping his sister in checking patients with heart problems..

MN: And you?

: it's tiring but sometimes I'll go there without you knowing tsk..

We're now at car still talking about the squad..

MN: Babe I'm sorry to come up with this topic but I'm just curious.

: About what?

MN: Dahyun.. I know it's not a good topic but why was he hiding his self..lots of rumors were spread but I don't know what's the truth..

: Do you want to know? Just keep it secret.

MN: I will..

: Dahyun hyung,Jihyo noona and me were very close friends since were young our parents were business partners and best friends especially our mothers.

MN: But I didn't saw his mom?

: His mom died when we're in middle school.

MN: Is his mom sick?

: No.his mom was my favorite aunt beside Jihyo noona's mother his mom was a healthy and lovable woman we've known.

MN: So his mom was not sick?

: It was our graduation day when it happened his mother and him decided to go to the park it was their favorite place to spent time together. It was time to crossed the road but then a sudden car hit them and that car ran away..

MN: You mean they were hit and run?

: Yes it was after that we thought that he will be dead but no he overcome that stage but he was on coma for 5months when he woke up he kept on looking at his mom and he was in trauma until now.

MN: Anytime it will attack him?

I nodded..

MN: What about the car they hit them?

: They close the case and Dahyun was mad for doing it...he started not talking to anyone but thankfully Jihyo noona convince him to talked with us.

MN: He is a brave man..

: What about me?

MN: You're a scardy cat Cub..

I Just chuckled on what she has said but it's true Dahyun hyung is a brave man I've known..



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