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After I went to Dahyun's condo I tried to stay a minute at the park but still no mark of him it's past 9PM already where should he be...??😓


I gave up waiting at him so I just walk home I called my mom reminding her that l just got home..I slammed my body at my bed and dialed Jihyo if they have update about Dahyun.... 

I'm totally worried right now..
who wouldn't be after hearing that his girlfriend will leave who wouldn't ran away in shocked..

what if he will do something that can harm him..

Jihyo answered..

: Ji I can't find him I can't..what if something bad happened to him what if he don't want me to see him Ji should I ditched my father's decision I will stay here with him I don't want to-

I didn't finished my word after hearing the voice,that voice I was longing for..

DH: Don't.

SN: D-Dahyun ...Dahyun where were you ?

DH: Don't disappoint your family Sana don't ditch their decision for you..

SN: D-Dahyun.. but I can't .. I can't leave you..

DH: Just don't.. I'll just talk to you tomorrow I'm sorry..

SN: Dahyun wait-

JH: I'm sorry Sana I should have called right away but he insisted not to.

SN: His mad Ji..

JH: Don't worry Sana everything will be alright ok..

SN: S-see you bye..


I ended the call and released a deep sighed I don't want to cry tonight maybe trying not to..



I'm now at Jihyo noona's house with my sister I have no place to go when it comes to this problem I have no one to lean to but them..

Sana just call and it makes me feel bad at myself I made her worried about me.. She's leaving me too.. I don't want to but I can't.. I don't want her to know about her father's threat I don't want her to pay from what her father did to me..

I love her I really really very much love her but that scene with another girl I'm sure she will not forgive me I broke her whole trust in me.. maybe it can be a reason too to make her...leave without any commitment about me😓..

Jihyo noona handed me a glass of water..

JH: You will talk to Sana right? Tell her about the truth on what happened at the party.. I think that was your reason right now on not wanting to see her or to face her even just texting her cause you're afraid...


I nodded Jihyo noona was almost half right.. I didn't tell her about Sana's father I have to keep it myself I don't want anyone to be involved in these.


IU: Hyun your relationship is so strong what happen? Hyun you should tell her all the truth..  I maybe not quite knew Sana but I know that she will understand all of these..Hyun listen both of you were in these situation you're the man that she loves you should be the one to be strong Sana's state right now is hard also for her..you should fight for it..

DH: Yes I love her but I can't...truly

JH: Dahyun

DH: I know noona please just let me handle this these time..

JH: Just go for the graduation tomorrow.

I just nodded but I'm not sure I just can't I'm totally weak for these...



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