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Today is my first day with a boyfriend,I can't believed I confessed last night and I don't know what happened to me to do that so sudden but I got lucky last night that I have my man already. .
Tell me it's not a dream...!!


:Are you not staying with me tonight?

DH: Sana I need to go home we still have classes tomorrow maybe next time..

: please besides it's our first night being in a relationship right..

DH: Fine.. I will put you to sleep but I'm not sleeping here.. ok go wash yourself and I will put you to bed..

I changed into pajamas I saw him playing with his phone at my room's sofa.. he noticed me walking towards my bed he immediately stand and lay with me in the bed..he cover me the blanket.. I buried my head at his nape and hug him like I dont want him to go..

DH: Sleep now..


He just hummed. .

: do you really like me?

DH: I love you..

: but why all those days that we're together I never felt that you like me?

DH: coz I love you.. and I hid my feelings very well not like you you're so obvious...

: Me? tsk.. I'm bad at hiding my feelings when it comes to someone I like..

DH: you should sleep now paboya..

: When will we tell them about us.

DH: tomorrow I think..even if we will not tell them they will still find out..so don't think about it for now and sleep..

: just sleep here its so late and its dangerous-

He cut me off

DH: Shut your mouth and sleep now Sana chan


He kissed my forehead and caress my hair...I closed my eyes and feel his embraced at me..


I woke up without him beside me maybe he left last night..When I stand up I found a letter beside my phone it says..

" Good morning Hon before you go to school you should eat your breakfast and don't you dare walk bring your car.. I love you".

I chuckled at his letter he just called me hon..I'm just teasing him calling that but he likes it..

I ate my breakfast, fix myself and went to the university this time I brought my car..

I arrived at the university seeing Jihyo's figure walking in the hallway...

: Jihyoyah..

JH: Sanayaa.. ohh why so happy??

: Nothing. .I'm just in a good mood I guessed. .

JH: How was with Dahyun last night?

: W-we just ate dinner

Sh*t why I'm stuttering..

JH: Uhh! ok see you later at the Cafeteria. .bye..

: b-bye..

I walked towards the hallway hoping I will see him and I saw Momo and Mina with their boyfriends.

CH: Noona

: Annyeong. .

CH: Waiting for someone?

He said with his teasing grin. .

: Nothing...

MM: are you fine last night?

: Yes Dahyun accompanied me..

TZ: did you two enjoyed?

They chuckled. .

: Yah

Then someone announced something. .its Jihyo's voice.

JH: Paging..Mr. Kim Dahyun and Mr. Mark Tuan please proceed at the principals office right now..

MM: is there something bad happened yesterday ?

MN: Where's Dahyun?

CH: I don't know

TZ: Me too I didn't saw him with Daniel and Jeong hyung earlier.

MN: it's a bad announcement..

SN: its because of me

MM: what? why?

SN: Yesterday Mark approached me and he was so drunk he kept on pushing himself on me he pushed me and it made me fall at the ground then Dahyun came he punched Mark and Mark fights back..Dahyun got bit hard..

MN: Then you how are you?

SN: I'm fine Mitang..

CH: Don't worry we will see him later..

MN: the class will start soon lets get in ..bye babe..

CH: See you later..

We went inside..I texted him multiple times but no responds..



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