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The Next Day

The room filled with laughter changed into a sudden silence when Mrs.Minatozaki's phone rings. It was Sana.

S'mom: Sana?

Dahyun stiffened on his sit when he heard the name his Dad and Sana's father and his sister saw it.

S'mom: Oh... you're coming now ok princess... yes I'm here with...with the doctors...yes ok...love you..

Mrs.Minatozaki put down her phone and face them.

S'mom: She's here....she's coming a minute..she's at the lobby with Jihyo.

Dahyun stood up from his sit .

DH: I'll go now Dad I will be at IU noona's office.

D'dad: I'll come with you son.

DH: No dad you stay here you need to discuss it with IU noona and the Minatozaki's.. I'll go now before she see me here..

He gave them a tip smile and went out.

Not long after Sana came to her father's room and greeted the doctors there.

SN: It's nice to meet you again. Dr.Lee and Dr.Kim..

IU: oh come on Sana don't be so formal I'm not use to it okay.

The two chuckled. But for Sana it's akward to not be formal in front of Dahyun's father and Mr.Kim respected it for Sana's sake.
The doctors explained everything about what will happen when the surgery is done  and it's outcomes to the Minatozaki's.

They all agreed for the plans and it will be tomorrow they expected and hope for it to be successful.

Both family bid goodbyes as the doctors needs to go back to their works.Sana and her parents catch up things they missed for each other and how Sana's parents was amazed by their daughter's achievements and on how she grew up well.


On the other hand Dahyun was sleeping at his sisters couch when his phone vibrated beside him.Its Jihyo.

DH: Yes?

JH: Wanna eat together I want to full your stomach today because for a few hours you won't be have time to eat because you'd be preparing for the surgery...

DH: No need to tell a speech noona.. ok I'm coming there...

JH: and I guess be aware of your surroundings Sana was still here just to let you know.

DH: Yes Mom...

JH: Good.. Faster I'm hungry...

Dahyun helped his self to stand up and grab his coat and went out.When he walks at the hallway he's like a spy or rather a criminal hiding when he would saw a person or a woman walks towards him.

When he reaches the ground floor where Jihyo was without knowing a woman also was walking towards where Jihyo was too they bumped to each other both were shocked and when Dahyun was about to open the door , Jihyo beat him to it and it accidentally hit his head and made him sit to the floor.

JH: Oh gosh sorry Hyun...are you okay?

Dahyun just nodded and didn't face her up. Because he knows Sana was there too. Jihyo noticed Sana too who was stiffened on where she was standing.

JH: O-Oh S-Sanaya...

SN: O-Oh Hey Ji..

JH: Yah Hyun stand up...

Dahyun stand up and hid himself at Jihyo's back still arching his head from the hit of the door...He whispered to Jihyo.

DH: I'm doomed...

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