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The squad bid goodbyes to each other leaving Jihyo and his husband, Sana and Dahyun.

JH: I don't need to go back to the hospital my shift already end so I'm coming with Daniel.. Sana are you coming back at the hospital or not?

SN: I need to go back..Mom needs me there I guess...

DL: Take care the both of you.. we'll be living now.. see you when we see you..

Jihyo walks towards Dahyun who's silent and wandering his eyes everywhere..she whispered..

JH: Get yourself together Hyun.. calm down you're being obvious right now.. whatever happens in your way just try to be calm ok..

Dahyun just nodded he knows what Jihyo's talking about...

The married couple goes to their car.

DH: So lets head back now...

SN: Sure..

Sana sat at the front sit without waiting Dahyun to open the door she does it to herself while Dahyun just shrugged it..

The drive were smooth when Sana broke the silence..

SN: Thank you..

Dahyun was taken a back what was she talking about.

DH: F-for What? I never done anything good to you Sana.

Sana scoffs.

SN: I know you're the one who convinced Dad about his surgery. I just realized it earlier when we bumped to each other.

Sana scoffed and sighed.

SN: Funny after all those years of convincing him about that....

Sana slight sarcastically told Dahyun who's gripping tightly at the stirring wheel, guilt was all around to him. He can hear Sana's hurt.

DH: I-It's not true.

SN: Stop lying Dahyun! I'm done with those lies. Im done with it years ago so just please stop that. You made me hate you more.

Tell me the truth what's with Park and Tuan to you?

I know and you know they were the one who gave those pictures of you with Irene.Also earlier when you heard Tuan and Park's names you were taken a back.

What is going on? Are you hiding something from me? All of you?

Dahyun just focused on driving deep inside he's hella scared,nervous his emotions were mixing.First his scared about what's on Sana right now second nervous on where will this be going and third happy because Sana opened up but bloody hell who would be happy with that?....

SN: So your going to be like this? Always?Just keeping it all Why is it true? That you're hiding something from me?How can we be free from all of these when both of us were scared especially you who is just shutting his mouth.Dahyun I don't want to say this but are you okay being us like this? We're once friend before we got in relationship. Hating each other is not a good help. I admit I still hate you for what you did. But some things still bothering me about you. And I don't know!.

Dahyun was about to answer but a sudden ringing of phone interrupt. Sana sighed before she answered the call from her Mother.

SN: Yes Mom.

S'mom: Sana it's your father... the doctors transferred him immediately because he had an attack and they said it's dangerous... the doctors were preparing for the surgery as fast as they can.Please be here Sana.

SN: Ok mom.. I'm near there ok just please calm down...I'm coming..

Dahyun heard it all he fasten his car even if they're near.

DH: Go now.

Sana immediately run as fast she can.So as Dahyun he immediately park his car and run.He knows it will be dangerous for Sana's father especially its becoming fatal now.

When he got to the ICU he met his sister.

DH: What happen?

IU: we need to do it now Hyun we will lose him if we wait for tomorrow.His heart is slowly beating and it affects its circulation of his blood.

DH: Ok I'll change where's Dad is he going?

IU: No he will watch us and Hyun...I'll be the one to assist you don't need to complain because you have task to do it.We will be transferring him to the operating room and be fast Hyun...We will head first now.

Dahyun just nodded and get ready.

Dahyun was running towards the Operating Room when he saw Sana who's sitting and fidgeting her fingers and her Mother who's standing walking back and forth,he stop and approached the old woman.Sana notice it.

DH: Don't worry he will make it.He loves both of you so you need to be strong.

S'mom: Son...

Sana heard it she was fluttered.

S'mom: Whatever happens don't blame yourself. You understand me son...

Dahyun hug the old woman.He whispered.

DH: Yes Mom... Dad will be ok we need to accomplish our deals.

I'll be going now.

Dahyun runs inside.
They perform the surgery immediately.


SN: You still call him that?

S'mom: Yes.

SN: Why?After What happened to us?

S'mom: The day you left... He met me outside our house kneeling for forgiveness. I can't blame him Sana. I saw in his eyes those sincere eyes,those hurt and longing eyes. I saw it.I forgive him he never left a day without checking on me if I'm doing good before he left for US.

SN: He does that....only to you....

S'mom: I know you Sana.. that love on you to him is still there. and that hatred that wil eventually fade. If you love someone you have to forgive and hear each other out.Patience that was all I was doing to your father. Look at us now.

SN: it's not easy Mom... earlier we talked about it he was just silent not uttering a single word.

S'mom: Nothing in these world is easy Sana. Not all work will lead us immediately to the top there will be always a conflict.

SN: That mistake he did was hurting me till now.

Sana lowered her head.

S'mom: Hey princess look at me. We all made mistakes that lead us broken but let me remind you.Making a mistake will not make a person special what makes you special is on how and if you each other get up. Dahyun made a mistake yes he was...all you need to do is wait for him to explain even if the reason is not about picking up where you ended but starting of and continuing where you started. You're living with hate for all those years. I need you to stop that, hating him will not change anything. Understand me?

Sana nodded and embraced her mother a hug.

All things have reasons. Have Patience.


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