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A month passed after their encounter and that incident happened to Sana and Dahyun, they never saw each other again and only focused to their responsibilities on their work.

Dahyun's contract ended at the current hospital he was working to and decided to go back to S.Korea.

He told his Dad about him returning to work their but a sudden decision occurred. His Dad told him not to work their but to work at Japan and replace Son Chaeyoung for the meantime.

Chaeyoung and Mina are officially a parent , now that Mina gave birth to their first child and was named Lia. Both decided to take a rest from work and spend their whole life and time to their daughter.

And for Dahyun first he was hesitating but at last he was convinced by his father's wise words.


Dahyun firstly went to S.Korea before he will start his job at Japan. When he got home he immediately surrendered his body to his room and rest his sister and father was not yet home from work.


Morning comes his sister knocked to his room and welcomed him a sisterly hug and kisses Dahyun didn't admitted it but he too misses his sister very much. They both went down for breakfast and met their father already at the dining table. They have talked a lot about him and not missing any details until they reach the topic about Sana's father.

D'dad: Mr. Minatozaki is still in our hospital and your sister still his doctor.

Dahyun became quiet. Talking about this kind of topics about Sana is alright but it always made him guilty he don't know why maybe because he hurt Sana or maybe he misses her or both.

IU: He's been 2 months there and Mrs.Minatozaki was the one handling some business he can't handle for now and without Sana knowing it. For I know Sana only knew that her Dad was back to work.

DH: He still not taking the surgery?

He calmly asked.

IU: Yes..i don't know what his really up to. He said he wants to live and that's taking some treatments that recommended but yet not taking the surgery. I think his waiting something or maybe someone and I don't think it's Sana if it was Sana they should have tell her the truth. All truth Hyun..

D'dad: Son maybe its time to you to talk to him. We already talked and we are in good terms Dahyun. And incase that you're still afraid or something still stopping you , you should fight for it Dahyun being this state of you having a hard time to your life you should change it hyun and if ever that your mom sees this kind of you she will tell you the same or even more of it. You've been living with that hate from her and you are too to yourself its time to risk for yourself, for anyone and for her if you still truly love her.

DH: If I tell her dad...he will hate her father and I don't want that to happen.

IU: I don't want to assume something but Hyun no daughter will hate their father forever yes they would be mad but hate and mad were different hyun. It will be hard for Sana to accept it but you know her very much that she's strong than it.

D'dad: and it will be more difficult for her to accept if you still hide the truth. Dahyun it's been more than 8 years is it still not enough? You're being afraid for nothing but Sana.Think of it Dahyun those pictuers that Sana saw and thought you were cheating was it the truth? No.. it was not.. But you made it deeper you made her a fool who's mad at you for a wrong reasons..she thought of you cheating and your love for her just faded and now tell me Hyun ... Do you want her back?Do you still feel that guilt? Then why are you being like this?

Dahyun lowered his head and a tear escaped from his eyes.

DH: I...I really want her back...Dad I really miss her so much...that...i.....that it hurts me because everytime I have a courage to tell her and the same time its stopping me that I came to realization that I really hurt her that if I tell her the truth would she come back to me? Will she love me as much she love me before? Will she believe me again? Will she trust me again?....

IU: Hyun...

DH: When.. I saw her last month...I'm very happy that she's doing good.. but I saw her eyes..that longing, sad and hurt eyes that I told myself why did she have to see me.. everytime she look at me I just wished myself that I don't exist to not see her happy but inside she's hurt because of being us together...

D'dad: then stop that..

Dahyun looked up to his dad confused..what does he mean stop?

D'dad: Stop being a fool and follow your heart Dahyun. Stop minding that demon saying shit on you. Talk to Sana make things right in a path say all the truth tell her.. and you will know after what really happen its okay to be hurt from words and just to remind both of you that they're are people who's with you to stay forever by your sides. If shits happens let it go if you love each other that you can't handle it just let it go time flies fast but we can managed. Its all up to you if you mind all of that we're still her.

Start talking to his Dad before you go and maybe you can help him I know hyun. I know that Mr.Minatozaki was waiting for you..

Dahyun nodded understandingly because he knows to his self that..

DH: I will visit him later..

His father stand up and walk towards him and tap his shoulder saying " You can do it"..and hug him from behind.IU just staring in relief that his brother is doing it and staring to fight for it...



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