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A loud crying noise of a baby was heard in a middle of the night Chaeng immediately went up to check,he doesn't want to bother his wife to wake up because Mina was barely sleeping nowadays same as he...

He carried his baby and sang a song to let the baby relax and it's quite working.
Chaeng's phone lit up so he grabbed it.

CH: Hey wassup...why you had to call in this hour?

DH: Chaeng I just came here so can you open the door let me stay here until tomorrow I don't want to stay at my house Mina gave me it's far...

CH: just say it...because it's near Sana's house..how many blocks is it...Is it a block away..

DH: Just open the door or I'll call Mina noona to open this...

CH: Gzzs..I'm coming...

Chaeng opened the door and met by a finger hitting his forehead..
He shout in silent knowing that his carrying his daughter.

DH: It's not a block away...She's my neighbor for goodness sake...Your wife suggested that house and I just knew it when I'm at the plane..

Dahyun said silently..

CH: As if it you doesn't like it...

DH: Give me that baby I'll be the one to let her sleep you coward...you still don't know how to take care a baby... I pity your wife...

Chaeng scoffed and give the baby..

CH: Bitch atleast me I have a wife..you...where?...None right?....

DH: Okay that's foul...Where's her room?

CH: Just beside ours...You sleep there..if I hear her cry again go sleep at your house bitch...

DH: Oh shut up you just miss me..but it's ok..I'll take care of this baby then your wife then we'll live happy ever after...Good morning by the way...

CH: F**k y*u..Go to the room before I'll tell your Sana that you miss her and you want some cuddles..

DH: Go tell her then..I'll sleep at your room beside your wife and this baby..mwuah..

Dahyun walk fastly to the baby's room while Chaeng was behind him killing him by looks...

CH: You always win by teasing me now it's my time to win get ready for tomorrow you bitch....

Chaeng grabbed his phone dialing someone..

CH: Hey..Sorry for disturbing but I know you didn't sleep yet because you're a ghost.

SEULGI (SG): Did you call for this Son Chaeyoung?

CH: Nope but Hey is it the spot still available?

SG: Yep my boss grandparents didn't saw someone yet..why? You're willing to get that now? I thought you're on rest for months that's why you didn't grab it..

CH: Yep...and it's not me to work for it..it's Kim Dahyun the son's owner and the best choice for it he's the best..and you know that...

SG: Oh really..who doesn't know the great Kim Dahyun..and do I have to say it to my boss or I'll direct it to the grandparents..because I don't think it's good?...

CH: Just direct it to the chairman they want great doctors for them..

SG: okk thanks..for this...can you give me his number so that I can give him some files he needs...

CH: I'll message it to you..thanks Seulgi..

Chaeng drop the call and proceeded to there room.


Morning comes

Dahyun walked towards the kitchen and was met by Mina.

MN: oh your awake.. good morning Hyun.. you should sleep more..

DH: Good morning too Mina noona.. and no I still have my duties to do..

MN: I won't have to say do a good job because I don't need to..

Dahyun chuckled and help Mina from preparing breakfast.

DH: and noona why did you gave that house to me and why Sana my neighbor?

MN: Well Hyun you'll be living here for a few months so I don't want you to spend more money to buy or rent some house or condos... and it's my house back then when I'm not yet married so possibly it's beside Sana.. and don't worry Hyun Sana doesn't like to stay everyday at her house..She usually sleep at the mansion with her grandparents..

DH: Thank you noona I owe you a lot..
And speaking of Sana.. I told her everything..all truth..

MN: Really then..What happen?

DH: She kinda curious about what happened that day when I'm with her father who collapsed then it got even deeper that I need to tell her all because she's hurt every time she see me...

MIna approach Dahyun who's sitting at there dining sit and tap his head.

MN: everything's gonna be ok Hyun.. all you have to do now is wait for her to open up or come to you..time is running but our patience can wait..remember that.. if she needs help come to her..help her but don't push her for something she doesn't need to... but love her even if you're the only one does it won't hurt you until you knew she loves you too..

DH: Thanks noona...

CH: Should I be jealous for this..first my baby then now my wife? your really doing it?

DH: Yes why? I'll marry your wife if I want to..

CH: Yah.. Go to your house don't come here again you bitch,...

DH: ok noona pack your things and the baby too let's go home...

CH: Yah!!

MN: ok kids..It's still early to argue for this and the baby still sleeping so please lower your voice.. and if you won't stop maybe I'll call Jihyo for this..

DH: Call Jihyo noona then tell her that Chaeng is a bitch...

CH: You childish...

MN: ok stop now...Chaeng go help yourself to eat..

CH: Why?

DH: Because you're not her baby anymore..

Chaeng gritted his teeth he does want the time to be fast so that his annoying bestfriend will be out of his sight..


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