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It's the day that Sana will leave South Korea, the country where she built the best friendship/family she never have in her entire life.

The country that had made lots of memories, the country that she have loved and the same time hurt.

Sana's mother and the squad were now at the airport bidding goodbyes to Sana.

S'mom: Don't stress out yourself and your life there, live a normal life understand...your grandparents were waiting for you and don't worry we'll visit you sometimes ok.

SN: I love you mom.

S'mom: I love you too princess. I know you're not ok and you're still hurt but I hope you'll be alright. Some bad things needs to happen cause they're reasons so be strong and be yourself..

Sana can't help but tear up she gave her mother one last smile and a hug .

Sana's mom bid goodbye to the squad cause she's in a hurry.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon approach Sana.

NY: Girl don't be lonely there be happy enjoy your life and especially take care of your beauty..

Nayeon said with a teasing face just to lit up Sana's mood.

JY: You don't have to say that to Sana paboyah.. anyways Sanaya be healthy ok..

Mina and Momo joined

MM: and don't worry Satang.. maybe next year me and Mitang will be in Japan too..excuse me we're Japanese..hello

SN: Tss..

MN: Be healthy don't worry you'll be fine I assure you that cause you're Sana.

SN: Thank you Mitang

JH: Be safe always ok contact us when you need someone to talk to or when you need some help you know..

SN: Thanks Ji

CH: Group hug..

SN: I will miss you guys see you..

They lastly hug Sana..



I was watching them from afar watching her leaving and giving the squad a farewell hugs.

I made the right choice right? It's ok to be hurt..I guess.. well this is all I can do hiding and watching her leave I'm good at this.
Her father was right and I don't want her to pay those sins. I don't want her to hate her father..

Staying away is all I can do.

The Squad knows I'm here I told them not to tell her cause I know she doesn't want to see me anymore.

She's now turning her back leaving. She's crying.

"Hon I want to hug you and wipe those tears on you but I can't I just want to tell you even you won't hear this I love you for one last time I love you so much.."

Stupid Dahyun you made her cry dumb you Dahyun.

The squad was heading towards me and gave me those worried smiles others were like upset I guess.

: what's with your faces?

JY: Are you fine now?

: Well who would be fine on what happen hyung.

I said with a low tone I don't want to cry again. Maybe I will be fine if I will know she's doing good.

TZ: Mind if you share?

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