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Sana keeps on texting me,I'm in the principal's office with these jerk Mark Tuan we've been here for about 3 hours it's so annoying facing him the whole time..

JYP: So Mr.Kim Dahyun and Mr. Mark Tuan we know you're not a kid but I called your guardians to come here cause none of you dared to talk.15 minutes they will be here..

A minute later our parents came.

JYP: Good morning Mr.Tuan and Mr.Kim I'm really sorry for interrupting you today..

Mr. Tuan: It's ok..what happen?

JYP: Your son's was involved in a street fight you can see it with their faces,that wounds and bruises they have..

D'Dad: What did you do Dahyun?

Dad asked calmly..

: He hurt a girl dad and his drunk yesterday..

Mark: I'm not drunk assh*l*..

JYP: Watch your mouth Mr.Tuan.Are you telling the truth Dahyun?

: Yes Mr.Park he hurt Ms.Minatozaki he kept on pushing his self to Ms.Sana in his drunk state..

Mr.Tuan: What have you done Mark your just embarrassing yourself..

Mark: It's not true Dad

JYP:Mark tell the truth..Were you drunk inside the campus and went outside just to irritate
Ms.Minatozaki Sana? did you hurt Ms.Sana?

Mr. Tuan: Tell the truth Mark or I will cut you off..Mark!

Mark: I-it's true Mr.Park but he punched me..

: I punched you because you hurt Sana..

JYP: Enough..both of you will have a punishment is that alright for you Mr.Kim and Mr.Tuan?

D'Dad: It's alright Mr. Park

: Dad

D'dad: You still made a mistake Dahyun.

Mr.Tuan: It's alright

JYP: Both of you Dahyun and Mark will have to clean.. Dahyun you clean the whole gymnasium today..while you Mark will have to clean the whole ground outside today is that clear..

: Yes Mr.Park

JYP: Again I'm very sorry for interrupting you Mr.Kim and Mr.Tuan.thank you so much..
Dad and I went outside and walked at the hallway.

D'dad: I know it's bad for you to get tired but you need to do it..I'm sorry son..

: It's fine Dad I will just drink my medicine later..

D'dad: Good..

: Ahm! Dad I just want to tell you something..I don't know if its a bad news or a good news..

Dad stopped and faced me.

: I have a girlfriend..

D'dad: Really well it's a good news then..congrats son your mom is so proud of you I know that..

: Thanks Dad..

D'dad: You should invite her at the house sometimes..I'm sure your sister will be jealous of her Ahhahah..

: Yeah I know that..don't worry Dad I will definitely invite her..

D'dad: I should go now I still have work to do..Go home safe don't forget your meds

: I will..bye Dad..

We bid goodbyes to each other..
It's break time I should go at the cafeteria..I'm sure she's mad at me for not answering her...I'm dead.😂


©️To the rightful owner of the picture☺️

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