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Momo,Tzuyu,Mina and me were the first one who came here at the cafeteria. So we decided to order while we were waiting for the others then a moment Jeong,Nayeon and Daniel came..We started to eat..In the middle of our talking Jihyo,Chaeng and Dahyun came with those exhausted face caring his chocolates and roses..tss..

When they arrived at the table Dahyun surrendered his body and mess his hair..

NY: Yah Dahyunah what happen on you?

CH: Distracted by the girls..

JH: He can't even focused at the class.

: Then don't accept what are they giving to you.

DH: I can't or else they will never leave

JY: Just accept the fact that you're so popular..

MM: Can I have those chocolates?

DH: Its all yours.. I can't eat all of that..

NY: Thanks hyunie.

: Come with me..

CH: Someone is angry now..be ready bro HAHAHAHA

I took him at the cafeteria garden bench we sit one sit apart..

DH: Why you brought me here?

:My Dad wants me to visit at the house .

DH: I know he called me earlier..

: Are you coming with me or not?

DH: He told me to.. But your mad so I'm not..

: Yah..you should be the one to apologize here?

DH: Me? You even said last night that you don't have a boyfriend..

He said almost a whisper but I can still hear him...

: Me what? I told you that?

DH: Yes and you even left me earlier without a notice..

: Ok sorry.. But still..

He stand up..

DH: Ahh sinja.. why are you being like this well its not my fault that they're giving me those gifts..

: Well yes

DH: Fine.. Ok I'm sorry

I teased him I just raised my eyebrows..

DH: I'll come..sinja..how can I win in this situation..tss.. Let's get inside..

We went inside and when we walked towards the squad they were eyeing us ..

: What's with that eyes?

Daniel pointed his lips at the next table at the group of girls...

: What's with them?

CH: Well probably jealous

DH: To who?

JY: both of you..

: Are they crazy?

TZ: We all know since you revealed yourself and your relationship that girls was so sensitive eyeing on us..

MM: Specially that Irene I can get that stupid eyes and put it at her ass..

NY: Ahh why my blood is boiling right now..

MN: I don't want a fight but they are getting in my nerves..

JH: Girls come down I don't want to see your faces at the guidance..

: What do you mean Ji if they want a fight then we will give them..

I felt that Dahyun remove his hand in mine.. I meet his angry or I'm not sure worried eyes?

DH: Don't you dare Sana and stop all of this let them be.. I'll go first..

He left without saying goodbye or kissed my forehead that his originally doing before he left well his literally mad..



No one's POV


Sana's class will nearly be end while Dahyun now was walking towards the parking lot when he remembered the scene earlier at the cafeteria..so he went back and waited her Japanese girlfriend outside her room..

Meanwhile students were now getting out and lastly Tzuyu Momo and Mina goes out then Sana..

TZ: I thought you will be at the parking lot..

DH: I decided to go here and get Sana..

MN: See you bye-bye

DH: Annyeong noona..Tzu take care..

SN: Lets go.

Sana said with a cold tone..

Wait I'm supposed to be mad here not her something not right..Dahyun thought..

They went out and drove to Sana's parents house at the Minatozaki's Mansion..

The ride was just so silent no one dares to talk.. Well Sana thought that Dahyun was just nervous but little did she know that her Korean boyfriend is not..Dahyun was not nervous at all because Sana's parents often called or texting him to take care of their daughter that's why but they didn't meet each other just in phone..



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