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7 years later


"Successful" the only word you can describe at them right now owning big companies and have big achievements at their works.

Yoo Im Nayeon a soloist, a producer of a famous worldwide kpop group, a CEO of her family entertainment company and of course Jeongyeon's wife.

Yoo Jeongyeon a soloist, a co-producer of Nayeon and the CEO of the best selling food company along with Momo his co-CEO

Chou Hirai Momo was the one handling the company at Japan she refused her family's company offer and choose to build her own company. Tzuyu and her was married last year after Mina and Chaeyoung.

Minatozaki Sana one of the successful young business woman one of the richest at Japan and single, she tried dating but no one last long maybe not her type🤷🏻‍♀️.

Park Jihyo was now a certified neurologist at Kim's hospital in Korea and a stockholder and now the fiancé of Kang Daniel who was now a soloist and a famous actor refuses to be a CEO of his family's entertainment company because he can't risk it.

Son Myoui Mina wife of Chaeyoung was now a famous model both Japan and South Korea and a CEO of her own modeling company.

Kim Dahyun was now a certified cardiologist along with Chaeyoung but Dahyun was working in USA and Chaeyoung was in Japan he replace Jihyo's spot on going to Japan cause Jihyo choose to stay and work at Korea.

Chou Tzuyu was now handling his family's hotel company both South Korea and Taiwan and planning to build a branch at Japan that's why his with her wife.


In 3 days it will be Jihyo and Daniel's wedding day. They didn't planned to have a grand wedding and choose a normal wedding.


I'm now with Daniel,Nayeon and Jeongyeon we're the only one left here in Korea and the others were working overseas.

Nayeon help me to plan my wedding we choose to have a normal wedding than  a grand wedding inviting whole Korea we don't like that Daniel and I talked about that already.

There Jeongyeon keeps on bickering to call the others but I refused to because maybe they're busy.

JY: oh come on Ji I was just saying this so that they will be here tomorrow you get me?

DL: Just call them now babe so that we can also have a vacation before our wedding.

NY: I will call the people in Japan Ji.


I sighed they won. But it's a good idea we can spent  our vacation. We didn't see each other the last time was Tzuyu and Momo's wedding.

Nayeon dialed Mina's number and it didn't took a minute long to answer well that's Mina

.Nayeon put her phone in a loudspeak.

MN: Hey Nay.

NY: Are you busy right now did we disturb you

MN: No besides were in Sana's house why?

: oh great

MN: Yeah hey Ji..

: Can you have a week vacation here?

MN: why so sudden?

JY: Yah Jihyo is getting married are you not coming?

MN: wait what?

MM: When Ji?

: in 3days can you come?

TZ: why not noona?

SN: Well me I'm not so sure

DL: yah! You squirrel you should come!

SN: Yah!

: I'm expecting you all Sana

NY: probably she didn't miss us

SN: yah! Of course I miss you guys who wouldn't be.

JY: Come home tomorrow you idiots.

MM: yah!

CH: See you noona.

: We will wait for you..


Nay ended the call and dialed Dahyun's number..

JY: What if he will ditched us again first he didn't attend my wedding second Chaeyoung's wedding third Tzuyu and now I don't want him to ditched your wedding again his still avoiding us or maybe Sana.

NY: He is not avoiding us but Sana...maybe his still can't move on.?I guess..

It took 3rd attempts to contact this vampire to answer.

: Yah

DH: Hey noona how you doing?

:How you doing?? Yah!!!

DH: Why?

NY: What are you doing right now?

: oh hey noona.. I'm on my break.

DL: Yah Hyun..

: oh hyung so that means ostrich hyung is there too?

JY: Yah! Can I kill you right now tss..

: Hyun can you have a week vacation here?

DH: why?

DL: It's my wedding you brat..

DH: ohh congratulations hyung noona But I'm sorry I can't make it.

: are you trying to ditch my wedding too?!!

DH: calm down noona..  this week is busy week here noona you know that as a doctor too.

NY: it's in 3 days Hyun Jihyo expecting all of us.

DH: I'm really sorry noona hyung But I have a appointment that day I'm sorry.

JY: Can you not ditch that appointment Hyun?

DH: Patient is a must hyung but don't worry I'll make it up to you.

: ok I understand..

He is right patient is must but his avoiding again. What maybe that problem that you can't risk anything Hyun?




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