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No One's POV

Dahyun and Chaeng have arrived at the Kim's Orphanage that his mother owned. The nuns welcomed them with a small welcomed dinner for Dahyun's visit.

Head Nun: It's nice meeting you again
Dahyunshi Chaeyoungshi.

DH: It's nice to see you too Ms.Go by the way who is the donator why that they wanted to meet me and not Mrs.Park?(Jihyo's Mother)

Ms. Go: The Bae's they were like on your age

CH: They?

Ms.Go: They said they were the representatives of their company

They nodded Dahyun surrounded his eyes looking for Yena..Yena is a young girl who's like a sister to Dahyun Chaeng Tzuyu and Jeong also Jihyo she is very important to them..

Ms.Go: Yena was adopted last year I never had a chance to say it to you guys I know she's very important to you sorry.

CH: Ms.Go don't be sorry we're happy for her actually..

DH: right.. well her dream came true she's definitely happy now..

Ms.Go: Yes she is.. so the visitors were waiting at your mom's office.

DH: thank you Ms.Go


As Chaeng opens the door he was shocked what he saw Dahyun noticed Chaeng he looked at what he's looking at..they went inside..


Irene: Hello Mr. Son Chaeyoung and Mr.Kim Dahyun nice to meet you..

Jimin: Nice meeting you Mr.Kim Mr.Son.

DH: So you two were the donator's representatives.Mr. Park and Ms. Bae?

PJ: No only Irene was. I'm just here to guide her.

CH: Why it has to be here?

Irene: It's peaceful.

DH: and why do you want to meet me and not the other owner of this orphan.


Irene talking seductively to Dahyun who was sitting across her.

Irene: I wanted to.

CH: What?

Irene: I wanted to be friends with you guys but your girlfriends seems so sensitive..

DH: they're not..

Irene: I wanted to be close with you Kim Dahyun.

PJ: Ohw so straight forward.

DH: Well Ms.Bae I will accept your offer as our donator but I don't want you to be my "friend"..

Irene: Is it because of that flirt Sana?

DH: Don't you dare call her like that Irene that f*ckin word belongs to you. And if you're saying that our girlfriends were sensitive well you're wrong I'm the most sensitive when it comes to a girl who's acting that she owns all..

Jimin stand up so as Chaeng

DH: I thought this meeting is so important but it just waste our time.

Irene walks seductively towards Dahyun and move her face closer to Dahyun they can feel their breath. Jimin secretly took a picture.

Dahyun immediately push Irene away.

DH: Know your space Irene if you want to take back your donation it's ok we don't need it anyway.

CH: Acting like a goddess huh.

PJ: Knowing space Dahyun?? You should be the one doing that thing you messed our best friends life..

CH: So your squad has the same mentality now I know..acting to be friend with Sana for what so that Mark can move? Wow what a stupid plan.. do you think Sana will do that your totally crazy friend ..

DH: and let me rephrase you blonde man I don't ever never I have ever messed Mark's life he was the one messed his life he does..

PJ: Not just him anyone too..you messed everything freak.. if you didn't revealed your self Mark and Sana were happy together now..

CH: Can I laugh in that part HAHAHAHA Sana accepting Mark Is it a joke HAHAHHAA...

PJ: Shut up

DH: Don't start with me Park Jimin even if I didn't revealed myself Sana will never accept anyone of you because you two were the same..

Irene: Remember this Dahyun I will never stop until I get you out of Sana's life.

CH: *Devilishly laughed*

PJ: I said shut your f*ckin mouth you coward..

DH: Don't you ever ever enter our life Irene you're in a wrong person and remember this also I.WILL.NEVER.BE. YOURS and you Blonde man stay away from Sana before I will surely mess your life as you wanted..
So get out now before I fr*akin burst out my anger in messing you two.

Irene: Be ready Dahyun

CH: oh please shut up you bitch Get Out..

Irene and Jimin went out from the orphanage..

CH: That was crazy..  Thankfully you controlled yourself bro.. I never saw you again getting angry like that...If Jihyo noona was here I think there will be a world war.. And it's my first time seeing you pushes a woman away..

DH: I have to do it all.. I have Sana I don't want anyone to ruined us it hurts my pride..she's the reason why I fight from death losing her I don't know what will happen to me..

CH: You did a good job bro.. you fight for your love Well those bitches deserves a bad luck... I can't believe I complimented that Jimin being a good man opposite to Mark's but they're all the same tsk..

DH: We have to keep it secret for now Chaeng.. I will not accept any donations coming from them..they will never stop until I'm not ruined.. we should get going now I have to talk to Sana  tomorrow I've been a headache to her and I'm totally worried..

CH: I understand bro I'll drive give me the keys.

Dahyun gave the cars key to Chaeng and drove home safely.



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