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We're in the living room squating at the mat circling and preparing to play some games..

I'm sitting beside Mina who's busy talking on his boyfriend..the sitting arrangement is Me,Mina,Chaeng,Momo,Tzuyu,Dahyun,Jihyo,Daniel,Nayeon then Jeongyeon.

Dahyun is sitting accidentaly? across me..

Dahyun and I were comfortable from each other but the truth is I'm not,when we are together,you know like I'm going crazy the usual bubbly me will behave when I'm with him..seeing him laughing and smiling makes me melt..am I falling in love?why it is so fast I just know him for a few weeks wah Sana your totally crazy right now..

So back to the squad..we're drinking alcoholic drinks except Dahyun and Mina..

NY: So how 'bout we play truth or dare and the consequence is drink a glass of beer
JH: Dahyun don't you dare to take the consequence harasso..
MM: Tsk Ji why are you stoping Dahyun to drink?
TZ: A-ahm Dahyun Hyung-
DH: I don't like alcoholic drinks.

WOW! What a man he didn't drink beer what a good man..

JY: Lets start Daniel bro you first..

Daniel first turn the bottle and pointed at the birthday girl Momo..

NY: Ow! The birthday girl...
DL: truth or dare
MM: T-truth
DL: why are you stuttering Momoyah..ok

Daniel took a short glance at Tzuyu and back at Momo

DL: What's with you two?
MM: W-what?
DL: Relationship?

Yeah..this two is acting weird since yesterday..

TZ: She's my girlfriend..

Wah!! Daebak

MM: Y-yes were dating
CH: Since when?
MM: Yesterday..

Were shocked about the Momo and Tzuyu except on this weirdo in front of me..did he know it already?

NY: W-wait Dahyunah are you not surprised?
DH: I know it already noona..

Here we go again his shininng smile that heat me..

MM: What do you mean? Do you know him as my secret admirer?
DH: Not only me noona..Jihyo noona,Chaeng and Jeong hyung
MM: Wha really?you three?
CH: Sorry noona hehehe
DH: and I saw you two yesterday at the locker you two were so sweet..like no one was passing by hhehe..
TZ: yah hyung

I didn't know Dahyun is good at teasing ..and suddenly I realized that among the girls I'm the only one who is single I'm the flirty one here but I have no one..great!

The game continues as it is until we got drunk..Mina whispered something at me...

MN: Satang you should control yourself ok you're a bit tipsy now..I can't carry you at your room..

SN: W-why?
MN: Did you forget you became clingy when you're drunk and the boys were busy at their girlfriends owh! Except Dahyun..
SN: W-what?

Tsk.I will control myself..i will


No one's POV

The girls are very drunk except Mina and Jihyo the boys are just tipsy while Dahyun is Dahyun water is enough for him..

JH: Hey boys can you help the girls?
MN: I'll get Chaeng he's tipsy but he can't walk properly pabo cub..
JH: It's Saturday tomorrow is it alright that they will sleep here..
MN: Sure..there's a guest room upstairs.. I will bring Chaeng there..
JY: where should I put Nayeon?
MN: in my room just follow me..
TZ: where's Momo's room?
MN: Upstair 2nd door
JH; Dahyun can you help Sana? Is it ok with you?
DH: Yes noona..where's her room
MN: Next to Momo's room..just be careful dahyun..thanks for helping..
JH: I will go now babe lets go
DL: How about you hyun?
DH: I will help Sana noona first don't worry..
DL: Bye guys..

They put them at their respective room while Dahyun is dealing with Sana..

DH: Ahm noona I will hold your waist ok sorry
SN: Aigoo..dahyunie is so cute hik!
DH: noona you need to stand up we need to go upstairs..
SN: No! we stay hik here..yah call me Sana pabo..
DH: but noona..you need to sleep now..
SN: No noona ok! And No I stay here with you!
Sana keeps on pinching Dahyuns'cheeks
DH: N-noona..S-sana

Jeongyeon,Tzuyu and Mina standing upstair and watching the two..

JY: Sana is so drunk
TZ: dahyun hyung is hardly dealing at her..
MN: Sana likes Dahyun..
JY: Really? Minaya
TZ: I wonder what would Sana noonas' reaction when she knows about that..
JY: Hyun I think you need to carry that lady..
DH: but hyung she keeps on punching me..
TZ: just do it hyung
MN: carry her dahyun..
DH: ok noona...a-ahm Sana I will carry you ok
SN: W-why hik? Do you not like me? Pabo-yah!
JY: wah daebak
TZ: its like nothing to hyung..
MN: Sana is dead tomorrow
JY: dahyun respect Sana he knows Sana was just drunk..
MN: Dahyunah just carry her ok I will just open her room door I need to go to Nayeon unnie..
DH: O-ok n-noona
MN: How about you boys?
JY: I will wait for dahyun and never help her to Sana hehhe..
TZ: I will join Chaeng at the guest room noona...hyung I'll sleep now bye.
MN: ok goodnight

Jeongyeon went downstairs ..

JY: I will wait you here at the couch take your time..
DH: w-what you will not help me with her?
JY: you can do it pabo-yah.

Jeongyeon walk towards the couch and play with his phone..

DH: I will carry you now..
SN: yah you didn't answer me..do you hate me?

Dahyun carry sana in a bridal style while Sana keeps on kissing dahyuns' cheeks and Jeong just watching and laughing at the two..

DH: Hyung I can hear your laugh
JY: shut up..
DH: ah S-sana stop doing that..
SN: Dahyunie..dahyuniee..dahyunie
DH: Ne..I'm DAhyuniee

Dahyun reach Sana's room

DH:S-sana I will put you down now..
SN: Don't leave hik ..
DH: I need to go home now..

Sana wraps her hands on Dahyuns nape and pull.BOOM Dahyun accidentaly kiss Sana's soft lips..
DH: N-noona S-sana I-I will go now..

SN: brbrbrrbr

Dahyun cover Sana a blanket and went out

DH: Ho! I'm tired
JY: are you done?
DH: hyung is Sana always like that..
JY: Clingy? Yes..why did she kiss your lips?
DH: yes she kiss me

Dahyun answered honestly

JY: Are you mad?
DH: She's just drunk..no need to be mad..lets go

They got to Jeong's car..while driving..

JY: did you drink your meds before you go?
DH: I did..
JY: Good..what will you do tomorrow?
DH: I will go with love I mean IU noona at the hospital she need some help....Jihyo noona will go I think
JY: I thought you will go check your brain..
DH: I don't want to see it hyung

Jeongyeon drop Dahyun at his house.

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