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No One's POV

The squad arrived at the Kim's Mansion. The Kim's welcomed them..
Sana was so calmed but deep inside she's dying in nervousness..
The girls approach Sana..siting at the couch.

NY: Sana you look so obvious girl..

JH: Sana don't be nervous..

SN: I-I'm n-not

MM: Shut up..

MN: You should go to Dahyun..

: N-no I will stay here..

MM: So tell us what did Dahyun did to you..did he scolded you about last night?

SN: He didn't.. He just talked calmly was that consider scolding me??

JH: Maybe..Dahyun doesn't know what shouting while scolding was..

MM: What a lucky squirrel you are..last night he was burning of anger because you kept on telling him that his dating someone..HAHAHAHHAHA

SN: Shut up peach..

MM: She didn't know that"Love" was Dahyun's sister..

JH: That's why you drank too much.AHHAHAHHAA

SN: Yah..

JH: Sana..Dahyun called her sister and her mother"Love" so don't be jealous..

SN: I know now ok..

They just talked and laughed until IU approached them..

IU:excuse me girls Dad wants us st the dining area..let's go..

JH: Sure unnie..by the way Happy birthday..

IU: Thanks Ji..come on girls..

Sana was shocked when IU hold her arm..

IU: I know your my brother's girlfriend no need to be shy.

SN: Ahh yes unnie..

They eat their dinner, while eating...

CH: So tito how about we will bond after this..

D'dad: Chaeng that's the reason I invited you all here... You didn't changed after all...

They laughed...

NY: What tradition?

JH: When someone is new on this circle we will welcome them in a bond..

IU: Ok..so how about we get to know each other and since its my birthday the girls will come with me after this dinner is that okay Dad..

D'dad: Do what you want...

Seokjin: Why don't you introduce your girlfriend Dahyun cause our birthday girl noona was jealous for having her kid a girlfriend..

IU: Yah..shut up you idiot..

DH: So dad this is Sana.Minatozaki Sana my girlfriend.

D'dad: Welcome to the family Sanassi..

SN: Thank you Tito..

D'dad: Wepps..Dad call me dad..

SN: Yes..Dad.

D' dad: Look your younger brother already have his woman..how.about you two are you not planning on giving me some grandchildren?

Seokjin: Dad I'm getting married just wait..you noona your still single your getting old..

IU: I'm not single and don't you dare call me old you idiot..I'm dating someone..

JY: Who is it noona?

IU: Me,myself and I... Well I love myself..

TZ: Noona I thought your dating that guy who drove you home..who's that man by the-..

IU cutted him off..

IU: He's gay ok.. Dad I'm still young I can find someone a better one..

DH: There's so many doctors courting at the hospital but your ignoring those..

IU: Actually I've fallen in love..

CH: Who?

IU: Foods..

Seokjin: Ah sinja..

TZ: my girlfriend love the food more than me too..

DL: Well food is life Tzu..

MM: Yeah we can't live without food..

IU: That's right..don't worry dad Fate will guide my way..

D'dad: Just have fun with your life..so boys the drinks were ready outside..lets go..

IU: Kid don't you dare..

DH: Neh..neh..

The boys goes out at the pool area..
they just drink except Dahyun..His dad open up the topic about him..

D'dad: Son did you tell her about your case?

DH: Not yet dad..I'm afraid..

D'dad: Look son I know what it felt like what Sana felt right now.. Look she doesn't know your sick but the squad know..I'm sure she will be hurt so much son..So before its too late why don't you tell her now..

Seokjin: Right hyun we know its hard for you too..

JY: But its for your own good..

While the girls

IU: Sana my brother is so lucky to have you..

SN: Unnie I think I'm the lucky one to have him beside me..

IU: Take care him for me..

SN: Of course unnie..

JH: No matter what happens?

SN: Well its life we can't decide or we can't be assure..but love always wins..

IU: Right..

They just talked some girls stuffs..


DL: It's getting late Tito sorry but we have to go..

D'dad: Sure..maybe next time again..

JY: Thanks Tito..

DH: Bye dad I will be staying in condo for now..

D'dad: Your meds..

DH: It's on my bag dad..

D'dad: Sana..

DH: I'll try tonight..

D'dad: No matter what happen remember we're here for the two of you..

DH: Thanks Dad..

They go to their girls and head back home..

While Dahyun and Sana went to the park....


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