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Dahyun agreed to perform for the school's event and we're now at the backstage waiting for his turn..

: Hon..are you alright?

DH: I - I don't think so.. For the past 4 years of not performing in front of the crowd.. I'm literally nervous.

JY: Shut up for years I've known you you're the great pianists I've known hyun

CH: Do a good job bro show them who's the real freak is..

JH: Lets go to our sit guys , Sana just follow us after..

I nodded..

I sat on his lap and he hug me from my waist and buried his face at my neck..

: You can do it hon.

DH: I hope so..

: Hey look at me.. Look at me..

I met his worried eyes..

: Everything will be better if you face your fears and I'm with you.. Play with your heart.. Imagine your world as more colorful what our life originally was.. I love you..forget your hurtful past just remember the good memories you've done, love your present with us and God knows what will be our future.. We just have to be patient and love each other... So heads up show them who is Dahyun whom we love the most..

DH: Thank you.. I love you so much..

The emcees announced his name i gave him a good luck kiss and went where the squad were ..




As I walk towards the piano my blood boils in nervousness the hot air that surrounds the gymn hits my skin, sweat flowing in my suit and with this hands trembling... I released a very deep sighed before I sit at the piano's chair.

As I sat down the crowd went silent ,before I hit my first key I took a glance at the squad and give them my nervous smile,they signing me thumbs up as I look at Sana my nervousness decreases I remembered what she said backstage.

I will play for the squad and for her who help me fight and get out from my shadow. I will be her shining light wherever she was.

I gently raised my fingers and hit my first key.


As I was singing and playing this piano in front of me i didn't feel my fears and only see Sana who put colorful memories in my life the painful past i have was slightly and slowly vanishing in my mind and saw my present my happy and lively present, closing my eyes makes my nervousness fade away..




When he close his eyes i felt his pain that his releasing, the song that his singing had a big impact on him..

( Someone you loved by Lewis Capildi : better hear the song readers😊)

DH:   "Now the day bleeds Into nightfall🎶
And you're not here🎶
To get me through it all🎶
I let my guard down🎶
And then you pulled the rug🎶
I was getting kinda used to 🎶
being someone you loved "🎵

The way his body waving with the rhythm his voice that giving Goosebumps at me..

DH:  " And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes 🎶
I fall into your arms🎶
I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around🎶
For now the day bleeds🎶
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all🎶
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved🎶"..

Those high notes that he incredibly reached the melody he throws too our hearts the message of the song he truly emphasized. He is truly  the Dahyun they knew the music prodigy of the Kim's..




As the song ends the crowd went wild that made Dahyun shocked and dumbfounded. He bows and went backstage the squad followed too.

NY: Wah Dahyunah you made us tear up..

JY: The Kim's youngest son and the bestfriend we've known is truly back

He hugged Dahyun proudly..

JH: I'm so proud of you kid..

DH: Thanks noona

MM: And the woman you love still dumbfounded..

As they make way for Sana,she ran towards Dahyun and jumped on..

DH: I love you so much..

SN: I love you too..

DH: Thank you hon for everything..

SN: Thank you too for coming in my life.

JY: Ehemm..

CH: Are you aware that were still here love birds?

DL: I told you Sana is not a bird..

TZ: We have our next appointment..

Their girlfriends punched them..and they laughed as if they were the only people backstage.


Someone's POV

How dare you to be happy Dahyun when you have ruined someone's life, because of you my best friend was not part of his family now.. You better wait for our revenge you freak.. You don't deserve happiness..anything..

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