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I woke up with a pillow beside me my head hurt so much..

Who changed my clothes..don't tell me..
where is he it's still 6AM..?

I walked outside seeing him sleeping at the sofa..did he sleep here..right I'm drunk last night probably his mad at me..wait I'm also mad at him his dating someone..

Am I a second choice?

But he seems uncomfortable..

: Yah..go to your room if you want to sleep

He stood up without looking at me..

DH: Drink some hot chocolate before you go..

He walk towards his room..why I felt so guilty..

: Yah..

I followed him in his room.. I saw him lying at his bed..

: Yah..

DH: Why?

: Why? Are you ignoring me?

Finally he face me..

DH: You're the one doing that not me..

I walk towards him..

: I'm sorry ok..i didn't told you about last night.but look I got home safe..

DH: I'm the one who brought you home..

He said with his cold tone..

: So your the one who changed my clothes..?

DH: Don't worry Sana I didn't do anything..

: Sana? Are you really that mad?

He sat properly.

DH: Yes..happy?

: I told you I'm sorry ok..

DH: Without Tzuyu and Momo noona you could be harmed again with that Mark last night..

: I'm sorry

DH: What happen to you to got you so drunk..did I do something wrong?

: I'm just mad at you yesterday you didn't ate breakfast with me and you didn't told me that you already have a girlfriend..

DH: What are you talking about? I'm not dating anyone other than you..

: Oh really? Who's love then?

DH: For god sake Sana that was my sister all this time you're jealous about my sister?

: S-sister?...Why you didn't told me?

DH: Should I?

He goes outside maybe he will be at the kitchen.. I fix myself after that.. I goes to him his preparing breakfast.. I back hugged him..

: I'm sorry next time I will tell you everything..

DH: You should be..

: I love you..

I stole a peck on his lips..

DH: Is that your way of apologizing?

: I love you

I stole a peck again..

DH: Don't start with me Hon or else I will not end this..

: Then let's taste our breakfast..

DH: Ok.. I will prepare the plate sit at the diner.

: I mean you hon..

DH: Are you still drunk?

: I'm not hon...

I pulled his nape and started kissing him and he hold my waist he let me sit at the counter we kissed gently but he broke the kiss..

DH: You should it your real breakfast hon..

: Feed me..

DH: You're not a baby anymore..

: Please...

He feed me ...when he speak..

DH: Dad wants to meet you..

I choked from my food...

: What d-did you say?

DH: Dad wants to meet you..

: When?

DH: Tonight


DH: With the squad...

: Why?

DH: Cause you're my girlfriend? And its my sister's birthday and they wanted you to be there..

: I'm terrified..

DH: Don't be..

: What should I do? I should go home first..

DH: Do what you want..just be yourself..

I nodded in nervousness.. I will meet his family..

DH: Go fix yourself now..I will inform the others ..

: Where we're going?

DH: Buy some gifts..help me to choose some girls stuffs cause I don't know any..

I cupped his cheeks..

: Hon any gifts for girls will do.. just give it to her with heart..

DH: Really?

We fix ourselves and goes to the mall and head home so I can changed for tonight's..



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