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It reminded me at the time where he saved me before and now he did it again. I admit what happened earlier was crazy he was mad and scary, that side of him that I don't want to witness again never..

His now driving I still can sense his anger.

He reached his phone and handed it to me.

DH: Can you search for Aunt Min's number and call her please?

I took his phone and searched for my secretary's number. Ms. Park answered right away and I gave it back his phone to him.

DH: Aunt Min we're on our way back to the hotel can you wait at the entrance for Sana. I can't go with her inside.... Ah no it's not that urgent but I need to.... no nothing to worry.. yeah we're near to the hotel yeah gonna hung up now..

He hung up the call and continued to drive.

: Where are you going ?

DH: Police Station

: I should come to you I'm the reason why it happened..

DH: No I can handle it..Sana

: Dahyun I can handle it too..

DH: I know but no Sana... just do what I said you still have business to take care of here and don't ruin it..

: How about you Dahyun... that man is crazy what if he had that power to banned you in this country..

DH: That's what I mean Sana... Your work here is important than getting to this mess so please don't force yourself to it..

:What are you talking about Dahyun... putting yourself in that man's mess? Dahyun you save me from him that's enough but putting yourself in this mess is not. How dare you to this?

He stopped the car and stared at me with his unreadable face.

DH: I told you this mess have nothing to do with you.. So get out now we're here. Don't say a word about this to your secretary.

: Are you out of your mind? What if something will happen to you there? Dahyun I swear—

DH: Don't.....  Now go Sana..

I got off the car and he drove back to his way..

I felt Ms. Park's presence and looked at me curiously.

I can't take it anymore I'm worried..

: Ms. Park call the driver right now

Ms. Park: Why Ms. Sana?

: I-It's just D-Dahyun... just call the driver right now we need to be fast ...

Ms.Park immediately contacted our driver and it didn't took so long to arrived he drove us to the near police station...

We arrived and we fastly got out to the car and there we saw Dahyun with that crazy man in front of the police officer who caught them earlier....



As soon as they saw Dahyun Ms.Park was the one who called.

Ms.Park: Dahyun..

Ms.Park said with curiosity. While Sana was at the back of her secretary staring worriedly at the pale man.

Dahyun immediately turn his head when someone called his name and that moment he knew he fucked up.

DH: A-Aunt Min? W-what are you doing here?

Ms.Park: What is this Dahyun?

Dahyun glanced at Sana who was standing and crossing her arm and he released a sigh knowing that it's Sana who told his Aunt.

PO: Excuse me Ma'am but are you perhaps a relative of Mr.Kim?

Ms.Park: Yes Mr.Officer May I know what's happening here?

Sana was just standing still crossing her arm.

DM: Well Ma'am this man punched me.

Ms.Park raised her right eyebrow and glanced at Dahyun.

PO: Mr.Kim Dahyun you need to answer atleast a Yes or No it's been past 30mns and your still not talking..

DM: Can you put some cuffs on him Officer  before he will punch me again coz it looks like his unto it again..he sucks...

PO: Well-

SN: What did you said? Sucks?

DM: yes baby..

SN: Are you perhaps calling yourself?

Dahyun glanced at Sana and then at the  drunk man who was now sober. He saw how the drunk man looked at Sana .

Ms.Park: Dahyun...

DM: Are you afraid now kiddo?

Dahyun clenched his fist controlling his anger.

SN: I'm sorry to interrupt Officer but that drunk man was trying to harass me and forcing me to go with him.

DM: Yeah to enjoy and you know have-

Dayun didn't take it anymore he suddenly stood up and held the man's collar and stared angrily.

Ms.Park: Dahyun stop.. Dahyun sit down...

PO: Mr. Kim be calm and excuse me Ms. who are you by the way ?

Dahyun got back to his sit..

DM: That's his Wife.

SN: What?

DM: What? He said you are his wife..

DH: Yes she's my wife and that man was trying to hurt my wife and saying horrible at the same time suck words to her.. now tell me who wouldn't be angry with that Officer.. I don't care if I'll be in jail but this man is more deserve to be there ...hurting and attempting to do something to my wife was extremely,absolutely wrong...

Sana's blood rushing to her cheeks she cleared her throat and looked somewhere else. While Ms. Park was just stunned.

PO: Well I'm sorry Mr.Kim Dahyun for wasting your time I will handle the rest of it.. and Mrs.Kim You may bring home your husband.

Ms. Park made the way to their car and the other two was walking together a little far away to the older woman.

DH: Look I'm very sorry Sana for earlier about that Wife thing I just I don't have a other choice to escape earlier..

SN: I understand..

Dahyun just smiled at her.

DH: Aunt Min I'll be going first be safe on your way to the hotel..

Dahyun supposed to turn his back to them but Sana called him.

SN: You should take care of that wound on you.

Dahyun just nodded and made his way to his car so as the two women.


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