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I'm now at the hospital I always came here every weekend with Dahyun to help some stuffs especially the patients Chaeyoung didn't came here because he has another things to do..

I'm now in IU unnie's office Dahyun was outside taking a phonecall.

These days his seems strange like he was hiding something from us,he always have a phone calls and it seems serious.

IU: Ji do you know who was that person that keeps on calling him??

: I don't know either but when I asked him he will just say it was Sana or the boys..but his being suspicious..

Dahyun went inside.

IU: Hyun tell me the truth who keeps calling you?

: It's not Sana right?

DH: It's her.

: I don't believe you i know you well Dahyun..

IU: So am I

He released a deep sighed..

DH: Fine..It was Mr.Cha

IU: Mr.Cha?

: Who's Mr.Cha?

DH: Detective Cha Eunwoo

: What detective?

IU: Dahyun don't tell me-

IU unnie stand up from her sit

DH: I asked him for help..to find the driver who hit us..but..I will open again the case if I found that driver and we can gather some more evidents and infos.

IU: Are you out of your mind? What if Dad will know about this? Dahyun Mom told us to close the case for your sake that was her last pleased Hyun...

DH: I know and don't tell him for now I need to keep it a secret so please don't tell anyone..I know I can trust you.

: What if something will happen to you are you crazy?

DH: Noona I'll be fine..don't worry

: Oh god Dahyun..look we can't tell our
tomorrows we doesn't know what will happen?

DH: It's on me noona..your out of this..

IU: Is that the reason why you left Sana at Busan?

DH: No.. I want her to spend her time with her parents..

: What if-

DH: Please no more what if's please..

Ahh..This kid his mother close the case to be away from dangers and now his the one who's approaching at the danger...




Dahyun just got home he surrendered his body at his bed , when his phone rings this time it was Sana..

DH: Hey..I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier..

SN: It's okay Hon I understand..Are you home?

DH: Yes Hon I'm home..How's your day there?

SN: Well I enjoyed and It's fun Mom and I went to a mall and we visited Dad's company..

DH: Oh that was fun..so you really are tired right now..right?

SN: Yes probably..and you too I can tell it with your voice..I wish I was there right now so that I can ease your tiredness...

Dahyun chuckled

DH: Seriously Hon in the phone?

SN: What? I mean so that I can massage your shoulder..Hon your being dirty minded huh..

DH: Ok-ok..AHHAHA...don't worry I'm fine..

SN: I miss you so much Hon.I want to see you..

DH: Miss you too..don't be sad you will see me tomorrow night..

SN: Really? You will go here?

DH: Yes? To get you there paboya..we still have class you know..

SN: Harasso..Harasso..

DH: You should sleep now Hon..goodnight I love you..

SN: Wait did you already eat your dinner?

DH: Bye..I love you..


Dahyun hang up the call and stand up to change his clothes..and a moment later he got a call again..It's the detective..

Mr.Cha Eunwoo(CE): Good evening Mr.Kim
I'm sorry to disturb you..

DH: It's ok what is it?

CE: I visited those witnesses that day but they will just say only the car they remembered they did not saw the driver..

DH: They did saw the car but not the driver?
But that time the car's window was down it's not close..so strange..Are you sure that they are telling the truth?

CE: That's the problem Mr.Kim one of our witnesses was acting strange when I asked him..

DH: Can you give me the address and I will meet that witness..

CE: I will come with you Mr.Kim it's still dangerous we're working in secret..

DH: Ok tomorrow 10AM..

CE: Copy Mr.Kim..

It was a long day for Dahyun...So he get some rest..



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