60 YOO's & KANG's

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A year later


Jihyo and Daniel took their lived in careers and focused only at their 1 year old baby Jiniel.

And as expected the baby lover Yoo Nayeon loves Jiniel that she can take it away from the parents.

And now the Yoo's were at Kang's house having a visit.

Jihyo opened the door for them and asked them why and Jeongyeon rolled his eyes and crossed his arms that Jihyo already knew and theirs Nayeon running towards the baby at the living room with Daniel.

JH: You both are tired why you have to go here instead taking a rest at your house?

JY: Ji you knew my wife she won't stop bickering when I won't agreed in it..and she loves your daughter more than me I guess..

DL: Did I heard that right you're jealous of my daughter?

Jeongyeon just shrugged his shoulder.

NY: I can hear you Jeongyeon....

JY: Tss..

DL: So how was the concert?

JY: well as you knew tickets were all sold as soon it went out..and the girls do very well earlier.

NY: and I'm so proud for them since they debuted they never failed us..

JY: You when will you come back to work its been so long...

DL: Ah.. maybe next week I should go back now and I have a project waiting..

JH: Well me maybe when my baby turns 2-3..

NY: Really?you can bring Jiniel to your mother..

JH: I thought about that too but I need to do my duties as a mother..

NY: Accepted..

Jihyo stand up and offered something..

JH: Did you both eat already?Do you want something to drink?

NY: Yes were done..maybe you can bring some soju if you have..

Jihyo chuckled she knew Nayeon ..soju for her is water when she's tired..Jihyo walked towards the kitchen..

DL: how about your business?

JY: the company's doing well and Momo in Japan running the company well too..she's eager for this work...

DL: That's great..we all know Momo she may acted weird sometimes I mean anytime but she focused on what is serious.

Jihyo came back holding 4 bottles of Soju..and handed it..

JH: and speaking of Japan Chaeng called me earlier..he said someone will go to US and that is...

NY: Sana?..

JH: Yep for the company merging ceremony

JY: and what's wrong with that? Is she still you know..

JH: She still thinking if she should come or not..

NY: US is a state its so big they won't easily meet each other..If Dahyun was her reason..

DL: She still doesn't move on right? Look why that she's still hesitating if she will go or not..its obvious she still love Dahyun..and we also know Hyun does too..

NY: right..even Sana was acting she was not but she is..

JY: First love is hard to forget..and even if its not  as long as you love someone you wont forget easily..

JH: we all knew the truth except Sana..and we cant control their life and emotions and their feelings for each other..what ever happens in their life if they comeback for each other or not..we as their family we shouldn't  live their sides..

They all nodded..

NY: and how I wish Sana will all know the truth that Dahyun was all doing this as  one of her father's threat..why it has to be this way..

JH: They already talked bursting Sana's hatred to Dahyun..but Dahyun did whats for the best for both of them..

JY: what?..made Sana hate him so much?

DL: Probably...

NY: I know there is still away for them..but only if they open their hearts again for each other..

DL: Lets just hope for the best of them..

They continued their talks about life friends and other stuffs unitl the Yoo's decided to go home.


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