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It's the day,their last day of school days. Exams,thesis,papers to pass, projects and the professors sermons it's all done the end.

The graduation gowns that they're wearing and the diplomats were the symbol of success and of course the proven that they passed the struggling states the squad did that all together they're very happy..

But seeing Dahyun avoiding them made them sad but they know what's up with him.

MM: Are we ending like this?

TZ: Who said it's the end??

MM: I mean Sana and Dahyun what will happen now?

TZ: I don't know what will be there decisions but maybe supporting them is ok right?

JH: Right..

NY: Sanaya are you alright?

SN: I'm not Nay.

MN: Sanaya

SN: I know his tired.

DL: Be strong Sanaya

SN: I will leave in 2 days and I don't want to go.

JY: Sana listen you don't have to disobey your father. You will know what will be his decision your meeting him at the park right? He's maybe there now.

SN: But-

Sana was cut off when Jimin and Mark approach them.

CH: What the hell are you doing here?

Jimin: Ohws come down Son we're just here to give it to Sana..

Handing the brown envelope to Sana.

SN: What's this?

Mark: Just open it. I guess the squad didn't told you something about your "boyfriend ".

JY: Leave or I will punched your faces in front of the crowd..

DL: Leave

TZ: Leave you dumbs

The two leave with a smirking faces.

The squad became nervous when Sana opened the envelope..

Sana opened the envelope..when she saw the pictures it made her out of balance her breath hitched tears began to fall.
Thankfully Daniel and Mina catches her..

JH: S-Sana

SN: Wh-What is this? What is the meaning o-of this?

NY: Sana
SN: I said what is this?!

MN: Sana let-

Mina didn't finish her word cause Sana ran away and head to the park where Dahyun was maybe waiting.

Dahyun notice Sana's car stop and Sana was coming so he stand up but as Sana was walking closer and closer he notice that his girlfriend was crying.. As soon Sana was in front of Dahyun she gave the pale man a slap on the face and Dahyun knows that it will happen to him receiving Sana's slap..

SN: All this time your stabbing me at my back?..all this time you're cheating. All this time I wasted on trusting you and loving you.... I know your tired about us but why cheating was your solution.. why? I gave all my life to you I've loved you..but you.. Are you pretending?? How dare you.. Dad was right I shouldn't have searched and worries about you..


Dahyun was just listening at Sana not making any move nor shows emotions cause for god sake he can't..He wants to hug,kiss and wipe Sana's tears but he can't he already made a decision he needs to stay away to Sana..even if Sana's words was stabbing him..for him it's the best way.


SN: You made me stupid Dahyun..You should've told me that you're already tired and so that we can talk and end it.. but you just gave me some stupid reasons and excuses..you didn't trusted me..I trusted you but you broke those. Maybe you're right..you don't deserve anyone..I'm sorry to say this I know your dying to say it to me I will say it myself.


Dahyun trying his best not to drop a little tears he don't want Sana to saw it.Inside his hurt who wouldn't be.. If you love her just let her go that's what Dahyun was doing right now..


SN: Let's end this shit.. Let's break up.


Dahyun still not showing any emotions and that made Sana hurt seeing Dahyun no reactions in ending their relationship..


SN: I don't want to be with you anymore..


Sana turn her back but before she move a step- Dahyun mouthed "wait" She stop but didn't turn back. Sana's biting her lips and maybe expecting something but it's impossible..


DH: I-I'm sorry... Go what's your father's decision and..and forget about me and us..I won't show myself in front of you..Forget about me..


Sana ran away towards their house living her car at the park burst out crying..
While Dahyun went inside his car and let go his tears bursting those stupid tears..

Those memories they both made together the love they built together has fade away in a snap..


CTTRO for the photo 🥰

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