29 TOLD' U

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The squad decided to go home except Sana who's now sleeping at the couch. I get up from my bed and walk to her.

She's snoring "cute" why she looks so tired. When I fixed her hair that is covering in her face she groaned and open her eyes.

: My bad..did I wake you up?

SN: Yes..your disturbing my sleep

: Sorry your just too loud snoring here..

SN: Yah..

: Kidding..want to sleep with me?

SN: Your dad might see us..

: Then..whats wrong with that?

SN: I- I don't know .....

: Get up and move at the bed

She got up and we layed at the bed I put my arm on her head as her pillow.

SN: I miss you so much..

: Well I don't

SN: Yah..pabo.. You hurt my feelings earlier I thought it was true.

: I'm sorry hon it will never happen again..

SN: When will you go back to school?

: Maybe last week of this month..why?

SN: Ahmm..nothing..

She hug me so tight an buried her face at my nape.. How come that I really miss her embrassed..

: Go sleep now you still have class tomorrow and why you look so tired.. Are you sleeping well or not?

SN: It's jst school works hon.. And just really tired...

: Go sleep..

I kissed her forehead and she sleep so fast she really was tired..



No one's POV

MM: We need to tell him now..

MN: It's on 2 days....

JH: Where is he by the way?

SN: He said earlier his with Chaeng and Daniel..

NY: Love do you know where are they?

JY: Ahmmm... Maybe gymn?

NY: Gymn?

TZ: Playing b-basketball..

MM: Is he that crazy?

JH: Lets go.. How dare he play after his surgery..let me scold that vampire..

SN: I'm at your back Ji...

They were walking in the hallway towards the gym with an angry expressions except Jeong and Tzuyu thinking how to stop the girls, while Mina..

MN: Ah guys can you calm down..other students were watching on us and we need to convince Dahyun not scolding him right..

NY: No we will do both..

JY: Oh god!

TZ: Can I go to the restroom?

MM: Stay or I will kill you too..

MN: Tss..that cub..

They arrived at the gymnasium and found Chaeng and Dahyun playing basketball while Daniel was sitting at the bench..

JH: You kid what do you think your doing?

DH: Playing..

SN: How dare you to play after your surgery its been weeks and you still need to take care of your body..

MN: You Chaeyoung who said you will play with Dahyun..

CH: He keeps on insisting and teasing me..

JH: You there.. Why are you sitting there and not doing anything..

DL: My throat hurts so much shouting on these two I keep on telling them to stop but I think they can't hear me..

Daniel said with a husky voice..

DH: I'm fine now ok no need to worry..

JH: Still..

NY: And wait we need something in you..

DH: What is it noona?

MM: We need you to do it..

JH: Play piano for the upcoming school festival.

DH: What? Noona.

JY: We know Hyun but you need to face your fears you need to face it all..

DH: I - I can't

SN: Yes you can we're on your back no need to be afraid.

DH: It's not what you think..

SN: I know it all hon that's why were here cheering you up..

JH: Sana's right Dahyun its time..

DH: I- I wil think about it..

DL: It's in 2 days..

DH: 2 days?

NY: So think about it now..

It took a seconds that Dahyun thought for his decision while the squad was anticipating on what will it be..

DH: Ok fine.. I'll do it..

The squad jumped for joy that Dahyun agree with it .. But Dahyun still not sure he just don't want the squad to be disappointed at him..


Thank you for supporting this story I hope you will continue it until we finish the story :) 💜

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