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The sound of a typing keyboard can only be heard inside Sana's office when her secretary knock in.

SN: Come in..

SG: Ma'am your father is calling on the line.

SN: Ok thank you.

Her secretary went out and she answered the telephone.

SN: Yes Dad?

Sana's tone was kinda scary or mad.

S'dad: Hey princess.. and why is your tone like that?? Did something happen?

SN: Nothing Dad.. it's just Dahyun.

S'dad: How about him?

SN: You know we've got an argument last night and he somehow distance his self. I don't know he doesn't tried on calling me this morning.

S'dad: What do you mean by "distance" I mean yes his here in Korea and you're there. It's been a week that he's here and you're still like that..

SN: It's tssk ... ok why did you call?

S'dad: Ok about that.. I already talk to your grandparents about you getting back here and manage the company here and don't worry about the company there because your uncle will be the one to handle until your cousin graduates. So....

SN: Really??Dad...

S'dad: Ahm yes..and aside from that.. fix your problem with Dahyun I feel that you're the cause of that so called argument of yours.

SN: Yeah I will.. Say hi to mom for me..

S'dad: Got it.. I love you goodbye.. Get ready your things...

Sana ended the call and heave a deep sighed grateful that something big part lessen from her problems.

Sana entered her house with a heavy feet knowing that no one was waiting for her inside the house. She surrendered herself at the near couch and starting to scrolled to her phone. When Dahyun's name pop up calling her.

DH: Hey.

SN: Hi.Look I'm sorry about last night.

DH:  It's ok Sana-chan..You're just tired last night that you can't control your emotions and it's fine for me ok..How's your day?

SN: It's fine I guess. You? Are you already home?

DH: Ahm no I'm not going home tonight.Maybe I'll sleep here..

SN: Why?

DH: I have a schedule this midnight. Don't worry I had my good sleep earlier.

SN: But still it's bad for your health. Did you have god dinner already?

DH: Yes Hon I did.. You ?

SN: I have dinner with my secretary and some employees.. and about that..Did Dad told you already?

DH: About What?

SN: The company..I'll be handling the company there and not here.

DH: Oh..great..

SN: That's it?.. you sounded like you're not interested about it.

DH: Hey..it's not that..I'm happy ok.

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