12 S.A.N.A

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Dahyun's POV

As I was watching and listening on her nonstop stories its like music in my ears I love hearing her cute lovely voice..I didn't know what's happening to me now..I'm not a kind of person who survived in a long long talk even when my noona scolding me I'm already done with it but Sana I love hearing it forever...

SN: Are you a singer perhaps?
: Why?
SN: Yah I'm the one asking here but you just ask me back..answer me?
: I'm not..
SN: Liar.. I hear you humming on the music..can you sing for me??

Sing I love singing and playing piano but its all in the past I hate it now...but should I try it for her?? No.. what if my trauma will attacked me I dont want her to see struggling my breath...it kills my pride..

SN: Yah are you listening?
: What?
SN: Wah..for that 20 seconds I'm just talking to myself .. Yah..
: I'm sorry..
SN: will you sing for me..Pleassee Dahyuniiee I want to hear you...
: No I can't..
SN: Fine..

She pouted like a kid..
: What time is your next class will start?
SN: After breaktime..why? Are you asking me a date?
: you wish
SN: Ouch..
: Lets go..
SN: Where?
: grab some ice cream..

We went down heading to the Cafeteria..and here she is again blubbering...



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