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I'm with Sana in a car since I fetch her at their house she was so silent and seems tired..Is she sick?

: Hon are you ok you look so tired are you not feeling well?


She just lean her head at the car's window and close her eyes.

: Should we get back home?

SN: just drive Dahyun I'm fine.


Dahyun? She's mad.. I can't deny it yes I hid secrets I made stupid reasons and excuses just her to believe me.

I've been busy these days because some problems and now the orphanage that my Mother owned.. I can't share it to her all for now I know that she's busy too and tired.

Maybe giving her some space for now make her comfortable right?


We arrived at the university she went out from the car without looking at me and now she's avoiding me.

SN: I'll head first see you.

She said with her cold tone ..

I'm walking behind her I'm far apart to call her but when I decided to go to her , someone just appeared and she smiled back at that man..

I was dumbfounded and can't think properly right now. I got back from my world when Momo noona and Tzuyu snap me.


TZ: Hyung what are you doing here standing?

: I-I was watching Sana to get in her room.

MM: Are you alright hyun?

: I- I'm fine noona.. by the way noona can you go home with Sana later.. I have something to do please.

MM: Did she knows?

: No I'm supposed to tell her but she seems needs some space.

TZ: Did you two fought?

: Nope.. I guess..

MM: Just talk to Sana after ok she seems have some misunderstanding about you ok.

: I will noona thank you.. just excuse me for her..


They nodded I bid goodbye to them.. what was noona talking about misunderstanding at me?

Did I do something bad or worst at her?



Jihyo's POV

I'm walking in the hallway when I saw a familiar figure..it's Dahyun but why he seems so down..

: Dahyun

I shouted at him and he looked and smiled sadly I approached him..

DH: Good morning

: Good? Where's the good in your face?? Bad?

DH: My girlfriend is mad at me and seems tired too.

: what are you talking about?

DH: I lied to her

: lied?

DH: I gave her some reasons and stupid excuses to believe me..

: Is this about your Mom's case?

DH: yes and now the orphanage.

: Why is there a problem there should I call my Mom for help?

DH: No noona I can handle that it's just some donators who wants to meet me..

: Why Mom didn't told me about that thing?

DH: I don't know maybe she just forgot but noona it's ok I can do it..

: O-ok but why you seems so down today ?

DH: Do you know that blonde man at Sana's class?

Chaeyoung young suddenly barged in

CH: Blonde? Ahm Mark's bestfriend?

DH: best friend?

CH: Why?

: Who Jimin.. Park Jimin?

DH: Well Sana and him seems close? Very close. Sana smiled at him she changed her mood when he saw that Jimin.

CH: Jimin was just a friendly man I think his opposite to Mark.

DH: You think so?

: back to the topic should we come with you later??

DH: I'm ok

: Chaeng can you come with him at the orphanage?

CH: Of course noona..

We went inside our room and started the classes normally..



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