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No One's POV

Dahyun and Mr.Cha Eunwoo the detective who's helping Dahyun visited the restaurant where that witness was working.

But the witness denied it all..they have nothing to do so they just leave..

Mr.Cha: See that Mr.Kim he just denied..Yes.. that man was weird but don't you think that his telling the truth??

DH: That's the problem Mr.Cha..We both saw that his uneasy to talk to..his being uncomfortable around us opening that topic to him...I'm sure his hiding something Mr.Cha..

Mr.Cha: Mr.Kim we need to let him be for now until he has courage to tell all the truth if he knows that incident but if he didn't maybe we will find something more just don't be so in hurry Mr.Kim..we might accused the wrong person..

DH: Alright..but keep on watching him until we gather all information on other evidence.. I will be the one to call you ok..

Mr.Cha: Alright Mr.Kim copy..

Dahyun drop the detective at the headquarter and Dahyun head to Sana's place..



Someone's POV

What were you looking for my father Kim Dahyun your making my father crazy..What do you want??

You ruined my friends life and now my father..how could you.You deserve to die you freak...



No One's POV

Dahyun arrived at Minatozaki's Mansion. Sana's Mom opened the door for him and welcomed him a warm hug..

Then Sana running downstairs and widely hug her boyfriend..

SN: I miss you so much

DH: I'm sorry but I'm not

Sana punched her boyfriend's chest..

DH: Aw..that hurts

SN: Good for you..

S'Mom: Come on you're in good time lets have our dinner..

DH: How bout dad?

SN: He still have works to do at the company Hon..

S'Mom: Lets not wait for him he goes home very late ..

Dahyun nodded for understanding..They started their dinner,Dahyun was being talkative talking to Sana's Mom and Sana loves it the way Dahyun treated her Mom wisely..


Sana decided to go home because it's getting late for them..

SN: Mom we need to go now..we still have classes tomorrow..

S'Mom: I understand princess and be safe on driving Dahyun..

DH: Don't worry Mom your princess will be safe in my hands ..

The two chuckled on Dahyun's act and posture..

S'Mom: And by the way..when will be your graduation day?

SN: Next month Mom..I guess well next week will be the preparation right..

DH: Well I guess so too..

S'Mom: Alright..just call me if you need something ok..

SN: Yes Mom.. I love you

Sana hugged her mother so as Dahyun..
Dahyun opened the cars door for Sana..when he walked to the driver's sit he stop for a moment..

DH: Mom can you tell Dad that don't drink without me or don't let him drink and he must need more patience to wait for me to be his doctor..

Sana's mom chuckled..

S'Mom: I will..thank you son

DH: Bye Mom I love you..

While Sana in the car was curious what were they talking about..

Dahyun got on the car and then drove home safely..



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