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The class just ended and I'm now at the parking lot waiting..earlier Dahyun and Chaeng didn't join us at the cafeteria but Jihyo said they were doing something urgent at their class and didn't say a thing on me or even texting me he doesn't.

Momo and her boyfriend with Mina came.

MM: Satang you should not wait for Dahyun he told me earlier he can't come with you

: Why?

TZ: He has to fix something.

: Again?

Here he goes again not sending me home or at least just texting me is that really too hard to do.

MN: Don't worry Chaeyoung is with him..

We all get in Tzuyu's car

MM: Sana

I put down my phone and look at Momo who was sitting in the passenger sit and was looking at me seriously.

MM: We saw him earlier standing in the middle of the hallway watching you with that Park Jimin.

TZ: We just approached him like we didn't saw nothing but I can saw in his face that his...jealous.

MN: Oh yes Jihyo also told me that..btw Why that you suddenly make friend with that Park Jimin?

: He asked me to be a friend

MM: but you don't know him well.. For me Sana as a friend don't try to be with that Jimin he still Mark's best friend.

: I know that.but I think his opposite.

MN: Still Sana

TZ: Noona aren't you curious about asking you to be his friend.. like he just did that to make you and Mark gets along?

It hits my head Tzuyu's word hit me what if it's true Dahyun hates Mark so much and he saw me earlier too ahhhh Sana..

MN: Did you two already talk?

: Not yet I can't... I'm afraid

MM: Sana I guess you were wrong about that..

TZ: Noona I'm not defending anyone of you but I know him very well..he can't do that to you he loves you so much noona..

: and Why he's acting like that.. I can feel it his hiding something..

MM: He wanted to talk to you earlier but instead he just gave you some space..

MN: I know that your still thinking something like that but Sana your boyfriend is such a good man and Tzuyu's right he loves you.. Just give him time to explain all..

: I'm sorry I just can't lose him I can't..

MN: We know that..

Why I felt guilt right now.. am I getting so hard to him?? Is he getting tired with me?

Why these is happening?



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